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OpenChain @ OSS North America Virtual Event – Open Source in ISO: Building the First LF Standard in Fourteen Years and What It Means for You – July 1st

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On the 1st of July at 4:05pm Central Time Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager will deliver a talk entitled ‘Open Source in ISO: Building the First LF Standard in Fourteen Years and What It Means for You.’

This talk will explore the process of building and deploying the first Linux Foundation ISO standard in fourteen years, highlighting both what has changed since we deployed Linux Standard Base, and why formal standardization is a topic that will increasingly be on your radar. The discussion will be primarily focused on OpenChain, the industry standard for open source compliance, and how collaboration with the Joint Development Foundation allowed a transformation from de facto into formal standard in a timescale that suits open source development. The lessons learned are applicable to any projects building out specifications or code that seek worldwide, sustainable adoption across multiple industries, and the presentation will include an explanation of how Linux Foundation and Joint Development Foundation are ready to support that process today.

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OpenChain @ OSS North America Virtual Event – OSS Supply Chain at Scale – June 29th

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Tan Zhongyi (Jerry Tan) delivered a talk entitled ‘Building a Secure, Efficient, Compliance OSS Supplychain at Scale,’ covering how to address issues like supporting 10,000+ engineers to fix issues across 100,000 repos. It explored how the OpenChain Project provides a great framework for addressing this challenge head-on and how precisely it has informed OSPO work in Baidu.

OpenChain UK Work Group Launches on July 23rd

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The OpenChain Work Group is being launched in the UK with its first meeting taking place virtually on 23 July from 14:00 – 17:00 BST.

Curated by OpenChain partners Orcro Limited with the support of world-leading semiconductor IP company Arm and in collaboration with the Linux Foundation’s OpenChain Project, the purpose of the group is to establish the programme for OpenChain adoption, education and roll-out in the UK, in readiness for OpenChain’s imminent release as an official ISO standard later this year.

The inaugural UK meeting, which follows the path of successful OpenChain work groups established in China, Japan, Germany, Korea, India and Taiwan, will feature an introduction from Shane Coughlan who leads the OpenChain project at the Linux Foundation. Andrew Katz (Orcro) and Sami Atabani (Arm) will share their experiences of OpenChain implementation in the real world.

Session Content

  • Welcome & Introduction
  • OpenChain Project and OpenChain as an ISO standard – Shane Coughlan
  • OpenChain, an introduction: reducing risk and friction in the supply chain – Andrew Katz(Orcro)
  • The path to open source licence compliance – Sami Atabani (Arm)
  • How to sell OpenChain to the board
  • The OpenChain UK Work Group: next steps, terms of reference.

The meeting is free of charge, and is open to anyone (whether in the UK or otherwise) interested in finding out more about why companies as diverse as ArmGoogleScaniaHitachi Data SystemsToyotaFacebookUber and Microsoft are embracing OpenChain, as well as smaller companies like B2M Solutions and NewRoCo.

Andrew Katz, Joint Managing Partner of Moorcrofts, CEO of Orcro Limited and Chair of the OpenChain UK Work Group, said:

“With a stellar roster of international businesses adopting the OpenChain framework for Open Source compliance and seeing the benefits of adopting best-practice – helping business teams work together towards a common goal, making Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) more accessible to developers and reducing overall compliance effort, saving time, legal and engineering resources,  it makes sense to unify and freely share this work, and help to embed it into the UK’s software development culture.

By establishing the OpenChain UK Work Group, we believe it will help developers’ and organisations’ journey through open source compliance  by providing a practical and accessible platform for anyone in the UK to quickly sync, share information and save time across all aspects of open source compliance.”

The OpenChain UK Work Group is open to all but will be of particular interest to developers, engineers and compliance experts working with open source.  It will kick-off with the meeting in July and the proposal is to have subsequent meetings bi-monthly.

Book Now

To reserve your place on the virtual meeting, on 23 July from 14:00 – 16:00 BST, please complete the online booking form.


For more information regarding the OpenChain UK Work Group, contact Andrew Katz.

Swedsoft Industrial Open Source Network Webinar on OpenChain – Full Recording

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On June 3rd Swedsoft’s Industrial Open Source Network held a webinar on Linux Foundation’s OpenChain Project, a project that defines the key requirements of a quality Open Source Compliance Program.

During the webinar Shane CoughlanOpenChain Project, held an introduction on OpenChain followed by Jonas Öberg from Scania who talked about how OpenChain shaped Scania’s Open Source Program. Carl-Eric MolsAddalot held a presentation about experiences from Sony Mobile.

Learn More About This Event

OpenChain Specification Bi-Weekly Call #2 – Fourth Monday June 2020 – Full Recording

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The full recording of the 2nd OpenChain Specification bi-weekly call is now available. This call went over the general parameters of the editing process for the next generation of the OpenChain specification. Our goal is to ensure all comments and suggestions can be captured.

Join the next call on the second Monday of July at 9am Pacific.

Join the Meeting via Zoom

Open Source Compliance のお役立ち情報まとめ・下

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この記事では、Open Source Compliance に取り組む上で、役に立った情報や、役に立つよと紹介頂いた情報をまとめます。この記事にあるものだけが全てではありませんが、いくらかでもお役に立てば幸いです。
なお、本稿中の OSS はとくに断りがなければ Open Source Software を意味します。


Open Source Compliance のお役立ち情報まとめ・上 (前の記事) 

  • Open Source & Compliance
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Source Software License
  • ツールなど

Open Source Compliance のお役立ち情報まとめ・下 (この記事)

  • 業界的な集まりなど
  • イベントや会合など
  • ニュースや書籍など

Open Source Compliance のお役立ち情報まとめ・下


Open Source Compliance について、特定の業種による団体や、特定の目的のための団体が知られています。

Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS)

金融業界を中心としてOSSの利用を促進する団体です。”Open Source License Compliance Handbook” などを公開しています。

Open Invention Network (OIN)

OIN参加企業同士は Linux Stystem として定義される OSS について自社が保有する関連特許に関して争わないとするコミュニティです。設立当初は Microsoft 対 Linux 陣営の構図でしたが、2018年10月にMicrosoftが加入したことで、この構図は NPEs* 対 OIN参加企業に変わっていくのかも知れません。
(*: Non-Practicing Entities、いわゆるパテントトロール)

参考: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols , “Open Invention Network comes to GNOME’s aid in patent troll fight“, ZDNet, 2019.

Unified Patents

NPEsへの各種対抗措置として、先行技術調査、訴訟の分析、USPTO(米国特許庁)の審判部(Patent Trial and Appeal Board: PTAB)に当事者レビュー(Inter Partes Review: IPR)を提出するなどで特許無効化を図ったり、NPEと交渉するなどのサービスを提供します。2019年には対象とする技術領域に Open Source が追加されました。
活動状況のダッシュボードとして PORTAL があり、そのページの最下部に “Daily Update Email Archive” へのリンクがあります。また、PATROLL では、先行技術調査のコンテストに関する情報が得られます。


会ってでないと話せないこと、会ってコミュニケーションが深まるきっかけになったり、参加したから知ることができること、などがあります。都合がつけば、こうした集まりに足を向けてはどうでしょうか。 会合によっては Chatham House での情報交換の取り決めに由来する Chatham House Rule に従うことを求めるものがあります。

When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
(参考訳:会議あるいはその一部であっても Chatham House Rule に従う場合、会議参加者はその会議で集まった情報を自由に利用できる。しかし、(情報提供者となる)発言者については勿論のこと、他のいかなる会議参加者についても、その身元(素性)や所属を漏らしてはならない。)

このルールについては Chatham House Rule FAQ も読んでおくと良いでしょう。信頼できる仲間だからこそ話せることもある、といったところでしょうか。

Linux Foundation events

Linux Foundation が開催する次のイベントでは、セッションのトピックや、会合それ自体が Compliance をテーマとするものがあります。

Open Source Summit

毎年、Japan、North America、Europe などの各地域で開催されます。スピーチやセッションによっては、講演ビデオや資料が公開されます。Compliance をトピックとするセッションがありますが、Keynote やそれ以外のセッションでは実に様々なトピックが扱われ、エンジニアに限らず様々なバックグラウンドの参加者が集まるので、 情報収集やネットワーキングに有益です。2019年はすべて終わり(Japan(7月)North America(8月)Europe(10月))、2020年の開催がすでに案内されています(North America(6月)Japan(9月)Europe(10月))。

Open Compliance Summit

名称が示すとおり、Compliance を主テーマとするイベントです。毎年日本で開催されます。招待状を申し込む必要があり、その参加には “Chatham House Rule” に同意する必要があります。 本稿執筆時点で次回は 2019年12月17-18日に開催されます。







OpenChain Japan Work Group (JWG)

再掲になりますが、JWG にはいくつかの Sub Work Group の活動があります。関心があれば気軽に参加頂ければと思います。  


近年、Open Source Software の提供元がそれまでのライセンスを変更して新たなライセンスを作成する事例が見られます。そうした情報の収集にはインターネットの利用が欠かせません。

技術系のニュースサイトは見ていても良いと思います。二つ以上のサイトを利用されていれば、Open Source Compliance で話題になりやすいライセンスについては時期に差があるもののおそらく記事として目に触れるのではないかなと思います。とくにお薦めできるサイトというのは気にしたことがないのですが、英語圏のものが早いかなとは思います。なお、日本語で読めるものの例だと OSDN Magazine の ライセンスカテゴリの記事などがあります。

僕自身は、Google アラートを “open source” や “OSS” などのキーワードで活用しています。



著: 上田理、監修: 岩井久美子
出版社: 技術評論社 
2018年に出版なので、今回紹介する日本語書籍の中では新しいものです。主な Open Source Software License の特徴と、企業が Open Source Software を活用する上でのポイントを解説しています。冒頭の岩井弁護士による解説記事は、エンジニアが法務・知財部門のスタッフとコミュニケーションを取る前の読み物としてお勧めできます。
なお、著者の上田さんは先に紹介した 「オープンソースソフトウェアライセンス遵守に関する一般公衆ガイド (pdf)」 の作成のリーダーです。

ところで、僕は JIPA ソフトウェア専門委員会にも参加しているのですが、そこに参加する他企業の知的財産部員でも読んでいる方が多いです。読者の近くに知財部員の方がいれば、JWG に一度顔を出してみてはどうかと案内して頂けると幸いです。

角川インターネット講座2 ネットを支えるオープンソース ソフトウェアの進化

監修: まつもと ゆきひろ、他著
出版社: KADOKAWA/角川学芸出版
(恐縮ながら僕は未読です。JWG で話題に出たことがあったので紹介します)


なお、著者の一人のやまねさんは、企業所属エンジニアかつ Debian JP Project のコミッターとして双方の視点で JWG に知見を与えてくれる貴重な存在です。ただ、やまねさんのような方は貴重すぎて JWG の各活動でなかなかお会いできないので、読者の中で我こそはと思う方は JWG に参加ください。もちろん OpenChain に興味があるというところからの参加も大歓迎です。

知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス

著: 可知豊
Open Source Software License で利用例が多いと思われる MIT、BSD系、MPL-2.0、GPL系などを概要を掴むには便利です。

Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing

Author: Andrew M. St. Laurent
Publisher: O’Reilly Media (July 2008)

著者は米国弁護士です。米国著作権法に関連した知識を踏まえて OSS ライセンスを理解するのに利用しました。
Open Book版 もあります。

Open Source for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing 2nd edition

Author: Heather Meeker
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2nd edition (April 4, 2017)
著者は TLDRLegal にも参加している米国弁護士です。こちらも米国著作権法に関連した知識を踏まえて OSS ライセンスを理解するのに利用しました。

Open Source Compliance in the Enterprise (2nd edition)

Author: Ibrahim Haddad, PhD
Open Source の利用に当たって必要となる、それが何かを具体的に識別(Identification)し、 どのようなものかを監査(Audit)し、問題点の整理等々に始まる一連の工程において、そこでのプロセスや注意点、また、ツールや参考情報などが得られます。

Assessment of Open Source Practices as Part of Due Diligence in Merger and Acquisition Transactions (2nd edition)

Author: Ibrahim Haddad, PhD
Merger and Acquisition(M&A)での Due Diligence で Open Source 関連事項を評価する時のポイントが整理されています。


担当の小泉さんは、JWG で4つの SWG に参加されるなど八面六臂に活躍されています。オリンパス社はグループとしてグローバルに Open Source Program Office の体制を構築し運用されているので、その一端を垣間見ることが出来るかもしれません。お楽しみに!


忍頂寺です。所属等は別記事「Open Source Compliance のお役立ち情報まとめ・上 (12/14公開記事)」を参照ください。

OpenChain Reference Tooling Work Group – Meeting #17 – Full Recording

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The OpenChain Reference Tooling Work Group held its 17th meeting on the 17th of June.

You can find the recordings of the morning and the afternoon sessions as well as the presentation slides here:

Catch up on minutes from all previous meetings

Guest Blog – OpenChain: Open Source Compliance Comes of Age In the Supply Chain

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ISO Standard Imminent

This is a guest post from Matthew Jacobs, Esq., Director, Legal Counsel at Synopsys Software Integrity Group. The views in this guest post are those of the author alone.

The goal of the Linux Foundation’s OpenChain Project, and the specification it maintains, is to promote predictability and uniformity in the management of open source. It aims to also create consistency in how critical open source compliance information is collected and retained so that it may be properly communicated to others.

The specification is gaining momentum and will likely be adopted by the International Organization for Standardization by mid-2020. With open source use on the rise and more and more demanding proof of compliance becoming mainstream, this is a perfect time to reevaluate how you address compliance. But first, let’s explore an illustrative analogy.

The automotive supply chain.

Car recalls are costly and time-consuming events. However, considering the complexity of today’s vehicles and the number of components found in the average vehicle, recalls often seem strikingly well organized. In particular, the level of detail and granularity in the typical recall notice speaks to the information that must be obtained by automotive manufacturers from their multitudes of suppliers, and then maintained and stored regarding the elements composing the bill of materials (BOM) of each car.

The very fact that recalls are successful at keeping the public safe is a testament to the incredible level of information sharing from supplier to customer and the standards and trust between the parties. Parts from different tiers of the automotive supply chain, and the component sub-elements of those parts (and so on), must be identified and important information about those parts shared up and down the supply chain. Given the sheer volume and complexity of this, and the rapid evolution of the industry, an automotive manufacturer must rely heavily on their suppliers to provide comprehensive and accurate information concerning that supplier’s respective elements. The final BOM for a given vehicle is dependent on comprehensive information communicated in a common language by members throughout the vast supply chain.

Contrast this to software.

Much like assembling a vehicle, modern software development involves software components from a wide variety of sources. This may be third-party commercial code, “homegrown” code or, as is very often the case, significant amounts of open source code. Tracking the provenance of the multitude of software parts and pieces that make up the modern software programs that we interact with and rely upon is often murky at best.

This challenge is clearly compounded by the fact that each component of software, with its own constituent elements, is then rolled up into a more complex assembly with other software elements. Further, since an ever-growing amount of this software is open source which, by design, is the product of often many mostly anonymous contributors, it quickly becomes easy to see how assembling a reliable BOM for today’s software programs is a daunting challenge.

Open source challenges.

Developers are encouraged to reuse open source to do their jobs better, faster and cheaper. There are around 8,000 source forges housing over 500 billion (and growing) lines of open source code to use. Importantly, those reusing open source must confirm initially, and on an ongoing basis, that they are reusing that open source in compliance with the governing open source license terms and conditions. Given that there are approximately 2,700 different flavors of open source licenses, a real challenge arises in (1) managing these compliance risks at an enterprise scale and pace, and (2) effectively communicating to third parties what open source is being used, what license applies and if the user is complying with the applicable license.

Given the critical nature of open source in software development, and the large and growing amount of open source in use, the need to be able to express what open source is being used (the BOM) and any license compliance obligations associated with that use, in addition to the need to be able to communicate that information in a standardized way is key to the free flow of software components in the software supply chain. And, to avoid “garbage in, garbage out” customers need to have confidence in the information received from suppliers based on trust in the compliance processes employed upstream. The OpenChain Project has emerged as the leading voice in bringing organization and certainty to the tracking and communication of open source reuse.

The OpenChain Specification (now in version 2), as described by the OpenChain Project, defines “the key requirements of a quality Open Source license compliance program. The objective is to provide a benchmark that builds trust between organizations exchanging software solutions comprised of Open Source software”. The specification sets forth a basic set of open source management best practices and methods for communicating open source component information, all aimed at furthering that trust.

Managing open source risk.

The value of this trust cannot be understated. Again, much like the automotive supply chain, the software supply chain is highly interdependent and complex. Historically, customers attempted to mitigate their risk during the contract negotiation process by forcing their suppliers to make certain disclosures, representations and warranties concerning that supplier’s software product and the supplier’s compliance with any open source licensing requirements for the open source in that supplier’s product. Supplier’s often don’t have the requisite insight into the composition of their own code, especially as it relates to open source, to make these types of representations and warranties with certainty but bow to economic and time pressure to close a deal.

Occasionally, customers will enlist firms like Synopsys to perform an independent audit of their supplier’s code to confirm that the disclosures made by the supplier concerning the open source in their products is accurate. The purpose of an audit is to identify the open source in the supplier’s code and determine which one of the many open source licenses apply to that code to evaluate the supplier’s compliance with the obligations of the applicable license. It also, by implication, gives customers a sense for how well the supplier is managing compliance. This “trust but verify” approach is certainly warranted in some situations. But, given the pace of commerce, there is often little time for comprehensive due diligence in many of the routine day to day transactions.

Elements of the OpenChain specification and compliance.

The OpenChain specification short-cuts much of the negotiation around a supplier’s open source compliance by offering a basic set of understandings around how each member of the supply chain uses and tracks what open source is present in their products. The specification is comprised of two basic elements: First, an ongoing open source license compliance process (which may include the use of automated open source management tools) for identifying what open source is in that member’s code and verifying that the use of that open source complies with the applicable license for that code. Second, the specification requires an organizational commitment to adherence to the first element by establishing areas of responsibility within an organization for compliance and an organizational commitment to training, process and open source compliance support.

Executing on these two basic elements of OpenChain compliance requires effort. Just because open source software may be freely available does not mean there are no obligations. However, many companies lack the basic process and software tools for identifying what open source their engineers are reusing in the first place. Without that visibility, there is no opportunity to manage the use.

Next, after properly identifying what open source their developers are using and how that open source is being used, compliance requires accurately identifying what license applies to that code, understanding the requirements of that license and taking the necessary steps to adhere to those requirements. Based on the nature of the open source license, this may include something as simple as providing attribution to something more complicated such as having to disclose source code.

A supplier’s ability to certify OpenChain compliance affords their customer comfort and removes open source compliance-related friction from the supply chain. Downstream customers can enjoy a level of comfort that, by incorporating the supplier’s code with their own, they won’t be inadvertently exposing themselves, any further upstream members of the supply chain or, ultimately, the end user to compliance-related litigation or remediation risk and expense.

There are third parties available to help you through your license compliance journey. Law firms that can assist with training, tools and services. Vendors such as Synopsys can audit your code or provide software tools to support in identifying and tracking open source reuse during software development.

OpenChain compliance as a competitive edge.

While compliance is an important goal, and while companies are keen to steer clear of potential litigation, an exceptionally important element of OpenChain compliance is as a competitive differentiator. Companies that have achieved OpenChain compliance are encouraged to advertise that fact and leverage that status in the marketplace as an asset.

Influential companies such as Toyota, Hitachi, Panasonic, Qualcomm, and Bosch are putting top-down pressure on their vendors, and in turn on suppliers to those vendors to demonstrate open source management consistent with the OpenChain Specification. This results in lower tier vendors, who may have never considered open source compliance as an urgent priority, now finding themselves under increasing pressure from other members of the supply chain.

Hans Malte Kern, Head of the Center of Competence Open Source at Bosch underscores this point. “We’re excited to join the OpenChain project, as it reflects the importance of compliant open source usage, distribution and contribution. Instead of negotiating the open source requirements with all our partners and suppliers, Bosch will leverage OpenChain as an open standard that provides common approaches and understanding for open source collaborations – not only in the automotive industry but also the connected world of IoT. We are convinced the OpenChain standard will replace bilateral negotiations, educations and open source risk mitigation discussions.”

OpenChain as an ISO standard.

The value of being able to tout compliance will take on additional importance as by mid-2020 it is expected that OpenChain Specification version 2.1 will be adopted by the International Organization for Standardization and certified as an ISO standard. Many suppliers are familiar with the experience of responding to customer requests for proposals or quotes. These requests are often multi-part questionnaires requiring the supplier to report on various elements of the supplier’s business concerning such aspects as privacy, security and compliance-related matters.

Given the time pressure often associated with closing deals, making the open source management and compliance discussion short is highly valuable. The ability to reply affirmatively to open source compliance questions and confirm compliance with the pending ISO standard will, in the words of one observer, “take the issue off the table.”