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OSSライセンス スキャナーであるFOSSologyを利用すると、OSSパッケージ毎のソース コード解析→SPDXファイルの出力が可能です。
しかし、ソース コードをパッケージ毎にWeb UIからFOSSologyへ送るのは手間がかかるため、meta-spdxscannerを利用して、Yoctoでビルドしながら、FOSSologyへソース コードを送信、解析、SPDXファイルを出力する環境の構築方法をまとめてみました。



ホスト環境は、Ubuntu 18.04やAWS(Amazon Linux)など、dockerが使えれば何でもよいです。


FOSSology のdockerイメージを取得します。

$ sudo docker pull fossology/fossology:3.5.0

FOSSology dockerを起動します。

$ sudo docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name fossology-3.5.0 fossology/fossology:3.5.0

-p 8081:80は、外部アクセスされるポート番号:dockerコンテナ側のポート番号を指定します。

docker psで、dockerコンテナが起動したことは確認できますが、念の為、docker logsで起動状況(--tail=20で、最新ログ20行だけ)を表示します。

$ sudo docker logs --tail=20 fossology-3.5.0
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ********************************************
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ***   FOSSology scheduler started        ***
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ***   pid:      PID1                     ***
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ***   verbose:  3                        ***
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ***   config:   /usr/local/etc/fossology ***
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss scheduler [PID1] :: NOTE: ********************************************
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using 172.17.0.X. Set the …
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using 172.17.0.X. Set the …
[………] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid PID2] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) configured …
[………] [core:notice] [pid PID2] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2 -D FOREGROUND'


最後のapache2 -D FOREGROUNDのログが出ていれば、起動できています。


今回、Yoctoビルド環境のベースとなったdockerコンテナは、Ubuntu 16.04のdockerイメージより作成しており、そのdockerイメージにはPython3.5をインストールしましたが、Python3.6でも動作可能なことは確認済です。
以下、dockerコンテナにyoctoユーザを作成し、ホーム ディレクトリ上で作業します。

$ git clone
$ pip3 install -e /home/yocto/fossdriver


$ pip3 list
beautifulsoup4 (4.7.1)
bs4 (0.0.1)
certifi (2019.6.16)
chardet (3.0.4)
command-not-found (0.3)
fossdriver (0.0.2, /home/yocto/fossdriver) ★インストールできている


$ vi ~/.fossdriverrc
        "serverUrl": "",
        "username": "fossy",
        "password": "fossy"

fossdriver経由で、FOSSologyへソース コードを送信してSPDXファイルを出力するテスト コードを置いたので、動作確認用にご利用ください。

$ ./ <source-code.tar.gz> <SPDXファイル出力パス>



$ git clone


ビルド ディレクトリ配下のレイヤ設定ファイル(conf/bblayers.conf)に、meta-spdxscannerを追加します。(xxxは任意のパス)

    /xxx/poky/meta \
    /xxx/poky/meta-poky \
    /xxx/poky/meta-spdxscanner \  ★追加

ビルド ディレクトリ配下のYocto設定ファイル(conf/local.conf)に、fossdriverを経由して、ソース コードのスキャン&SPDXファイル出力できるよう、記述を追加します。(xxxは任意のパス)

# Use spdxscanner
INHERIT += "fossdriver-host"
SPDX_DEPLOY_DIR = "/xxx/SPDX"  ★事前に作成しておいたディレクトリをfull-pathで指定

パッケージングされないOSSパッケージ(*-nativeパッケージなど)をソース コードのスキャン&SPDXファイル出力対象外にする場合は、meta/classes/nopackages.bbclass に以下を追加します。

deltask do_spdx   ★最下行に追加

ここまで設定が終わったら、あとはbitbakeすると、パッチ適用されたソース コードがFOSSologyへ送信され、スキャン&SPDXファイル出力まで自動で行われます。

$ ls -l /xxx/SPDX/
total 232200
-rw-rw-r-- 1 <user> <group>    <size> <MM DD xxxx> acl-<version>.spdx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 <user> <group>    <size> <MM DD xxxx> zip-<version>.spdx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 <user> <group>    <size> <MM DD xxxx> zlib-<version>.spdx

<user> <group>ファイル所有のユーザ/グループ属性、※<size>⇒ファイル サイズ、
 <MM DD xxxx>⇒年月日/月日時、<version>⇒ソース スキャンしたパッケージ版数


今回は、fossdriverを利用する方法について記述しましたが、REST API(fossdriver無し)経由でFOSSologyへソース コードを送信することが可能です。こちらについては、REST API利用編で記述します。

また、FOSSologyの問題(大きいサイズのソース コードを送ると応答がなくなる、出力されるSPDXファイルのPackage License Declaredフィールドが”NOASSERTION”になる、etc…)に関する回避策なども、別記事で記述します。

Webinar: Unpacking SPDX 2 2 + SPDX Lite

By Featured, legal, licensing, News, standards, Webinar

In this webinar we unpacked how the newly released SPDX 2.2. SPDX, as a leading industry standard for Software Bill of Materials, plays a pivotal role in the implementation of practical manual and automated compliance programs.

Kate Stewart, Sr. Director of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation, explained how SPDX 2.2 works and what it means for the community. Kate has been a key driver of this standard over the last 10 years and can answer all your questions about what the current standard means, what projects support it, and the current state of the tooling landscape.

Yoshiyuki Ito, Principal Expert at RENESAS Electronics, provided an overview of SPDX Lite. This is a “Profile” for the SPDX 2.2 standard that helps companies deploy the Software Bill of Materials to match certain workflows, particularly with respect to suppliers to large companies using existing processes. Ito San and others in the OpenChain Japan Work Group created SDPX Lite to help ensure that the standard could seek adoption in as many production environments as possible with minimal friction.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #4, released on 2020-05-21.

Joint Development Foundation recognized as an ISO/IEC JTC 1 PAS submitter and submits OpenChain for international review

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In the last few days Linux Foundation has publicly announced Joint Development Foundation (JDF) as an ISO/IEC JTC 1 PAS submitter and provided more information on how JDF will support OpenChain and other specifications to become ISO standards moving forward. This is an extremely important media inflection point for our community and for the broader global collaborations creating effective, adopted and mature de facto standards.

While the basic news is not new to the OpenChain community (you know we are using JDF to submit a ISO standard and you know that OpenChain is the first standard going this route), blog posts by The Linux Foundation and the media coverage is very useful for helping to explain our work to others. Some key excerpts below.

“This week, we are proud to announce that the Joint Development Foundation (JDF), which became part of the Linux Foundation family in 2019, has been accepted as an ISO/IEC JTC 1 PAS (“Publicly Available Specification”) Submitter. The OpenChain Specification is the first specification submitted for JTC 1 review and recognition as an international standard. The JDF was formed to simplify the process of creating new technical specification collaboration efforts.  Standards and specifications are vitally important for the creation or advancement of new technologies, ensuring that the resulting products are well defined, provide predictable performance and that different implementations can interoperate with one another.”

Read More

Read More in Japanese

We have seen some great media coverage. One of the best articles can be found in Linux Insider. A key quotation below:

“JDF projects now have a clear path from open source project or specification to an internationally recognized standard. The OpenChain specification is JDF’s first standard to be submitted. The OpenChain standard is a specification that identifies the key requirements of an open source compliance program. It is designed to build trust between companies in the supply chain while reducing internal resource costs. The outcome is increased trust and consistency in open source software across the supply chain. International standardization will help to guide the evolution of the OpenChain Specification from de facto to de jure standard, a process that will assist procurement, sales and other departments to engage with OpenChain-related activities, according to [Seth Newberry, executive director of the JDF].”

Read the Full Article

Finally, if you are wondering why OpenChain is talking about this PR now, about seven days from release, the answer is pretty simple. I (Shane Coughlan, General Manager) wanted to check out the media coverage and select the most concise, clearly messaged article to share. I believe this blog post and mailing list post, and the links it references, provide an excellent on-boarding point for a wider audience. People in procurement. People in sales. People in marketing. Please do share this message.

I am happy to take questions at any time at or via a scheduled call using the link below.

Japan WG全体会合について

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English translation throughout by Fukuchi San. Thank you Fukuchi San!


本日はOpenChain Japan Workgroupで開催している全体会合について紹介します。私は、Planning subgroupのリーダーを担当している福地と申します。Planning subgroupは毎回全体会合を企画しています。

My name is Hiro Fukuchi, I am the leader of the planning subgroup. This article introduces the all member meeting held by the OpenChain Japan workgroup. The planning subgroup plans the meeting every time.


All member meeting


Active and inclusive meetings

OpenChain Japan workgroupでは、2、3か月に1回の割合で全体会合を開催し続けています。誰でも参加できるオープンな会合です。workgroupに参加されている企業が自発的にホストを申し出て下さり、2017年12月のworkgroup開始時から2019年9月までに11回の会合を開催することができました。この間には、小規模のAd Hoc会合も3回開催しています。

The OpenChain Japan workgroup have been continuing to hold an all member meeting every two to three months since its beginning. Everyone can join the meeting. Member companies of the Japan workgroup hosted the meetings. From December 2017 to December 2019, we had 12 meetings and 3 ad hoc meetings.

全体会合では、OpenChainプロジェクトおよびJapan workgroupの紹介、サブグループ活動の紹介、ゲストスピーカーによる講演、ライトニングトークを中心にした全員参加の議論などを行なっています。各回およそ50~60名の方が参加され、フレンドリーな雰囲気の中で熱のこもった議論が行われています。

At the all member meetings, there are sessions such as, introduction to the OpenChain project, the Japan workgroup and the subgroup activities, a keynote speech by a guest speaker, lightning talk. Every time, we received 50 to 60 attendees. We have successfully made the meetings friendly and inclusive.


Hosting by a member company


The venues of the meeting are spread over Japan, such as Tokyo (Shinagawa, Shinjuku, Kamata, Hachioji), Kawasaki, Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe.


Hosting a meeting by a member company is very important for Japan workgroup to promote our activity in Japan. Hosting a meeting needs an organizational support from a company. In many cases, throughout the preparation of a meeting or watching other companies’ activities, the company had a significant recognition of the importance of our activity. Sometimes, we saw a personal activity changed to an organizational activity. Hosting a meeting is a good opportunity to show a company’s attitude toward open source.


Regional and global activity.

Japan workgroupはオープンソースの活動ですから、日本に閉じて孤立したものにならないように、英語でグローバルに情報発信することを心がけています。全体会合は日本語で行われますが、使われた資料は英語に翻訳してwikiGitHubに掲載されます。

Japan workgroup is regional and global activity. We discuss in Japanese language, but we are publishing our outcomes in Japanese and English language via the website and the GitHub site.


Meaning of the all member meeting


Building trust


The all member meeting is of critical importance for the Japan workgroup to foster an active and inclusive community, because meeting in person builds trust between members in an open source community. A physical meeting gives an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings, discuss honestly and create a new idea. This process builds trust each other.


The OpenChain Project aims to build the trusted supply chain. The supply chain requires trusted relationship between suppliers and recipients. For the OpenChain Project, building trust is of critical importance.


Global communication

サプライチェーンは海外にも広がっているのですから、信頼関係の構築は国内だけに限りません。私たちは、海外のゲストを全体会合に招待して講演してもらいますし、Japan workgroupのメンバーが中国、台湾で開催されるWorkshopに参加して自分たちの経験を発表することもあります。こうして、海外とも相互の関係が深まっています。

The supply chain extends globally, so that we need to build trust with the global community. The Japan workgroup invited guest speakers from Europe, Korea and Taiwan to our all member meetings. The Japan workgroup members visited workshops held in China and Taiwan to share our experiences.


Continuation is power


Continuing meetings gives power and momentum to the activity. Power and momentum give energy to our activity, and to invite new people. Meeting with new people begins a new relationship, so that our activity will be able to continue to expand.


Please join our activity

全体会合に参加してJapan workgroup活動の雰囲気を自分自身で体験し、活動の輪に加わって頂ければ幸いです。新しく参加された方が会合での発言をきっかけに活動に深く関わられることも多いです。OpenChain Japan workgroupの活動を通じて、信頼できるサプライチェーンが実現されていくことを願っています。

It is our pleasure if we can provide an opportunity for newcomers to join our all member meeting and experience the active and inclusive atmosphere by themselves.

 OpenChain Japan WG wiki
 OpenChain Japan WG ML
 OpenChain Japan WG slack

Please visit our resources:
 OpenChain Japan WG wiki
 OpenChain Japan WG ML
 OpenChain Japan WG slack


Tomorrow’s theme:


Ashizuka-san from Fujitsu Computer Technologies explains the meta-spdxscanner, that is a tool to output SPDX files in a Yocto environment.

OpenChain Webinar #4: Unpacking SPDX 2.2 + SPDX Lite – Coming May 18th

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The OpenChain Project has launched a series of bi-weekly free webinars that provide access to people and knowledge that we would otherwise obtain at events. We hold our fourth meeting on Monday the 18h of May at 5pm Pacific with two guest speakers.

This time we are unpacking the newly released SPDX 2.2. SPDX, as a leading industry standard for Software Bill of Materials, plays a pivotal role in the implementation of practical manual and automated compliance programs.

Kate Stewart, Sr. Director of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation, will explain how SPDX 2.2 works and what it means for the community. Kate has been a key driver of this standard over the last 10 years and can answer all your questions about what the current standard means, what projects support it, and the current state of the tooling landscape.

Yoshiyuki Ito, Principal Expert at RENESAS Electronics, will provide an overview of SPDX Lite. This is a “Profile” for the SPDX 2.2 standard that helps companies deploy the Software Bill of Materials to match certain workflows, particularly with respect to suppliers to large companies using existing processes. Ito San and others in the OpenChain Japan Work Group created SDPX Lite to help ensure that the standard could seek adoption in as many production environments as possible with minimal friction.

Each talk will run for 10~15 minutes and there will be plenty of time for questions, comments and suggestions. As with all OpenChain Project activities, our goal is to facilitate knowledge-sharing between peers.

Everyone is invited to join this free webinar via zoom. It will also be recorded and made available later on our website.

Join Our Zoom Meeting

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OpenChain Webinar 3 – Presentation Slides

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OpenChain Webinar 3 was held on the First Monday of May 2020 and featured talks on contribution policies, M&A and due diligence.

View the Webinar

The speakers have made their slides available to the community. Please find the slides below in the order which they were presented.

Contribution Policies (Tobie @ UnlockOpen)

M&A (Leon and Tony at GTC Law)

Due Diligence (Andrew @ Orcro)

OpenChain Introduction @ NTIA Software Bill of Materials Framing Group

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The OpenChain Project was introduced by Shane Coughlan, General Manager at the latest NTIA Software Bill of Materials Framing Group meeting. The OpenChain industry standard provides a framework for companies to implement efficient compliance activities, including identification on ingest and export, using manual or automated approaches. Software bill of materials play a large part in optimizing this space, especially in the supply chain.

Watch the Presentation

Get Involved in the NTIA Discussion