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Shane Coughlan

Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, establishing the leading professional network of Open Source legal experts and aligning stakeholders to launch both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to Open Source. Shane has extensive knowledge of Open Source governance, internal process development, supply chain management and community building. His experience includes engagement with the enterprise, embedded, mobile and automotive industries.

Self-Certification Checklist for OpenChain Security Assurance Specification 1.1 in Simplified Chinese

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The OpenChain Security Assurance Specification 1.1 self-certification checklist is now available in Simplified Chinese. A big thank you to Zhang Jun Xia from CAICT for making this happen.

This checklist is designed to help organizations adopt the de facto standard for open source security assurance. Organizations using this self-certification process will also meet the requirements of the specification when it graduates the ISO/IEC JTC-1 PAS Transposition process, with an estimated arrival time of that International Standard in mid-2023.

The checklist contains a series of “yes” or “no” statements. If you can answer “yes” to everything, you are self-certified. If you answer “no” to some items, you know where to invest further time to build a quality security assurance program.

Do you want to get the English version of the self-certification checklist?

This checklist is licensed under CC-0 (effectively public domain), so you can take it, integrate it, and remix it without any restrictions. You do not even have to provide attribution.

We welcome contributions to improve this checklist. You can contribute by opening a GitHub issue here:

REMINDER: OpenChain Monthly Community Call – 09:00 CST (01:00 UTC) 2022-10-18 (Tomorrow)

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This is the OpenChain Monthly Community Call for Mainland China / Japan / Korea / Taiwan + USA. People from everywhere else are very welcome to join too! We realize the timezone is terrible for Europe. We have a separate monthly call designed for Europe / USA. It takes place on the First Tuesday of every month.

It is open to every individual and company regardless of their membership of Linux Foundation or the OpenChain Project. It provides a forum to bring together the various things the OpenChain community is doing around the world, from building our family of standard (licensing compliance and now security compliance), assisting with tooling, SBOMs and OSPOs, and facilitating industry specific discussions in areas like telco and automotive.

1 Introductions 
2 Specification (process standards) news 
3 SBOM news
4 OSPO news
5 Automation news 
6 Community feedback and comments – issues for standards and core supporting material
7 Community feedback and comments – issues for reference and supporting material
8 Community feedback and comments – issues to support other projects
9 Any other business
10 Close of meeting

This meeting is held in the OpenChain Project Zoom room:

Check your timezone:
PDT United States Pacific UTC-07:00
UTC Coordinated Universal Time UTC
CET Central European Time UTC+01:00
IST India Standard Time UTC+05:30
CST China Standard Time UTC+08:00
KST Korea Standard Time UTC+09:00
JST Japan Standard Time UTC+09:00

Compare timezones:

Join via one tap mobile:
+86 10 8783 3177,,4377592799# Mainland China
+33 1 8699 5831,,4377592799# France
+49 69 7104 9922,,4377592799# Germany
+81 524 564 439,,4377592799# Japan
+82 2 3143 9612,,4377592799# Korea
+91 80 71 279 440,,4377592799# India
+886 (2) 7741 7473,,4377592799# Taiwan
+44 330 088 5830,,4377592799# UK
+13017158592,,4377592799# USA

Find your local country number:
Meeting ID: 437 759 2799

Self-Certification Checklist for OpenChain Security Assurance Specification 1.1 Now Available

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The OpenChain Security Assurance Specification 1.1 self-certification checklist is now available. This is designed to help organizations adopt the de facto standard for open source security assurance. Organizations using this self-certification process will also meet the requirements of the specification when it graduates the ISO/IEC JTC-1 PAS Transposition process, with an estimated arrival time of that International Standard in mid-2023.

The checklist contains a series of “yes” or “no” statements. If you can answer “yes” to everything, you are self-certified. If you answer “no” to some items, you know where to invest further time to build a quality program.

This checklist is licensed under CC-0 (effectively public domain), so you can take it, integrate it, and remix it without any restrictions. You do not even have to provide attribution.

We welcome contributions to improve this checklist. You can contribute by opening a GitHub issue here:

Witzel Erb Backu & Partner is the Latest OpenChain Project Partner

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Witzel Erb Backu & Partner, a law firm founded in 2020 by alumni of the Munich law firm SSW Schneider Schiffer Weihermüller, has joined the OpenChain Partner Program. 

“The importance of Open Source Software shall not be underestimated,” says Stefan Haßdenteufel, Partner at Witzel Erb Backu & Partner. “The idea of permitting others to use your software free of charge combined with the availability of the source code boosted the entire software industry years ago. Nowadays, it is all about the little IoT devices and the IT services that emerge – all driven by Open Source Software components. While software is still becoming more important for our economy and our everyday life, the need for Open Source Software continues to grow.”

“There is tremendous value in having the option of outside counsel for addressing supply chain questions,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “We are delighted to announce the strengthening of official OpenChain Partner coverage in Germany in this respect, and we expect to work closely with Witzel Erb Backu & Partner as the OpenChain standards for license compliance and security assurance extend more deeply into procurement in Europe and beyond.”

About Witzel Erb Backu & Partner

Witzel Erb Backu & Partner, founded by eleven partners and twelve associates in 2020, has its roots in the law firm SSW Schneider Schiffer Weihermüller, a well-established law firm founded in Munich in 1998. Many years of experience, our depth of knowledge and our genuine enthusiasm are what we stand for. Law is our passion. Our team of currently more than 25 lawyers combines the highest standards with the utmost professional expertise, focusing on four key areas: family law, commercial law, IT law as well as tax criminal and business criminal law. Especially with IT law, our focus lies on issues of technological change, innovation and digitalization in all areas of life.

OpenChain Telco Work Group Meetings – New Regular Schedule

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The OpenChain Telco Work Group holds meetings on a monthly schedule. These are designed to allow anyone with an interest in areas like the telecommunication industry, their actions around open source management, and the development of a telco specification for Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). All levels of experience are welcome.

Our new regular schedule is:

First Thursday @ 07:00 UTC
First Thursday @ 15:00 UTC

At the scheduled time click to join the voice, video or screen sharing session:

You will also find our events in the OpenChain Global Calendar.

OpenChain Work Groups – New and Improved Structure

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The OpenChain Project has been very active since its formal launch in late 2016. Our global community has built an ISO/IEC standard for license compliance, launched a de facto (and soon to be ISO/IEC) standard for security. We have contributed to SBOM, OSPO, training, policy and other discussions. We built the world’s largest library of open source management reference material.

To reflect our growth and to make it easier to navigate the project we are going to make some adjustments to our work groups. Nothing too radical, but definitely something to help people find their way around more quickly, and to get the information they want faster. The image above contains a summary of the evolution approved by our Governing Board at their last meeting in September, and targeted for release during October 2022.

The changes?

  1. The Specification Work Group will split into two parts – a Licensing Work Group for ISO/IEC 5230 and a Security Work Group for the Security Assurance Specification.
  2. The Education Work Group and Outreach Work Group will combine into the Education Work Group.
  3. We will launch a new Export Control Work Group and a new Policy Work Group. The former will help to navigate issues around increasing international trade tensions. The later will help us provide strategic advice around the highest level of planning for open source in legislation and business.
  4. The dormant Conformance Work Group will be wound down and discussions regarding self-certification moved to Education Work Group, with discussions about the nuance of conformance parameters moved to our Steering Committee.
  5. Finally (if there are no objections), we will re-brand the Reference Tooling Work Group to the Automation Work Group to help guide people hearing about automation to the right solutions.


Your feedback – as always – is most welcome. Please provide comments to our main mailing list:

Please provide feedback by Close of Business UTC (17:00 UTC) on the 18th of October 2022.

OpenChain Automotive Work Group – Next Meeting 2022-11-11 07:00 UTC (16:00 JST)

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The OpenChain Automotive Work Group will host its next meeting as a virtual event on the 11th of November between 16:00-17:00 JST (2022-11-11 07:00 UTC). Everyone is welcome and there is no need to register. We will host the meeting in our usual Zoom room:

Draft Agenda

(1) Introductions
(2) Automotive news in 2022
(3) IP news relevant to industry
(4) Developments in OpenChain 
– Security Assurance Spec enters ISO in October
– License Compliance Spec entering review in October
– Company Playbooks (Small, Medium, Big)
– New conformance support (online, checklists)
(5) Discussion: What is missing to support the industry
(6) Discussion: Make plan to fill industry support gaps
(7) Discussion: Schedule for next steps
(8) Close of meeting

Questions and comments very welcome! You can contact us and also contribute to all our activities via the OpenChain Automotive Work Group mailing list:

External Report: OSCAR开源产业大会 | 开源合规论坛顺利召开

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Linux基金会OpenChain项目总监 Shane Coughlan

Linux基金会OpenChain项目总监Shane Coughlan首先通过远程方式发表了致辞。Shane Coughlan表示:“多年来,OpenChain始终致力于开源生态建设,追求可信的软件供应链;我们与中国信通院的伙伴关系将加快这项使命的达成。”

Shane Coughlan在致辞中


荣耀终端 钟鸣




快手 李嫄




中国信通院 俊哲




开放原子开源基金会 王荷舒




国浩律师(北京)事务所 胡静




北京京东世纪贸易有限公司 李欣博




华为 陈一雄







  • 张燕 13716220988(电话号码)
  • 13856344090(微信)
  • 俊哲 18900125677(微信同号)

OpenChain Monthly Community Call – 2022-10-04

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The OpenChain Project kicked off its new monthly community call series with the latest news around our specification, SBOMs, OSPOs and automation, before proceeding to a behind-the-scenes on our security specification ISO/IEC submission and an interactive session on updating key website materials like the FAQ and path to conformance. Ana from TODO dropped by to share the OSPO news this time around.

We always follow this agenda:

1 Introductions 
2 Specification (process standards) news 
3 SBOM news
4 OSPO news
5 Automation news 
6 Community feedback and comments – issues for standards and core supporting material
7 Community feedback and comments – issues for reference and supporting material
8 Community feedback and comments – issues to support other projects
9 Any other business
10 Close of meeting

You can join our monthly calls (and all our other calls and events) via the OpenChain calendar. The monthly calls take place on the first Tuesday at 16:00 UTC (US/Europe) and the third Tuesday at 01:00 UTC (US/Asia):

OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #25 (Virtual #12) on 2022-10-31

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The OpenChain Japan Work Group will host its next meeting on the 31st of October between 15:30 and 16:30 JST. This meeting will be held mostly in Japanese. All are welcome.

== Information in Japanese follows ==

Leaflet Subgroup 新しい活動のお知らせ
OSPO Subgroup これまでの活動と今後の予定の紹介第25回全体会合(第12回オンライン会合)
Meeting ID: 99975267803 / パスワード: ]>guXS~6アジェンダ:
15:30 – 15:32 Opening
15:32 – 15:40 Keynote   by Shane Coughlan
15:40 – 15:50 Leaflet SubWG よりお知らせ
15:50 – 16:30 OSPO SubWG の紹介
16:30 Closing
(optional) 16:30 – 17:00  交流会多くの方々のご参加をお待ちしております。