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Shane Coughlan

Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, establishing the leading professional network of Open Source legal experts and aligning stakeholders to launch both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to Open Source. Shane has extensive knowledge of Open Source governance, internal process development, supply chain management and community building. His experience includes engagement with the enterprise, embedded, mobile and automotive industries.

OpenChain October – A Video Project

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A special project by the OpenChain UK Work Group

The OpenChain UK Work Group has been busy preparing a series of videos to talk about OpenChain. The videos are being released through November and you can get a sample below.

Amazing work all! Special credit to Martin Yagi for pulling this together.

A Sample of the Videos Hosted on LinkedIn

You can follow the full series at the OpenChain UK LinkedIn page:

OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #29 (Hybrid #4) – 2023-10-05 @ SocioNext in Kyoto

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OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #29 (Hybrid #4) – 2023-10-05 @ SocioNext in Kyoto

OpenChain Japan 第29回全体会合(第4回ハイブリッド会合)

2023年10月5日(木) 13:30-17:00 (13:00開場)
★6日(金)は同会場でCo-Located Eventを開催しますので、合わせてご参加を!★

【第1部】 ※オンライン配信あり
 1. オープニング(キーノート、OpenChain Japanのご紹介)
 2. ご講演㈰ 株式会社ソシオネクスト (取り組み紹介) :大和田さん
 3. ご講演㈪ 株式会社村田製作所 (取り組み紹介) :富田さん

【第2部】 ※オンライン配信なし
 4. ライトニングトーク :島さん、加藤さん
  テーマ:SBOM対応どうする?どうしてる? いま、社内はどんな状態?
 5. 連絡事項、クロージング

株式会社ソシオネクスト 京都オフィス
京都府京都市下京区中堂寺粟田町91 番地 KRP 10 号館


下記のzoom URLからご参加ください。
Meeting ID: 99975267803 / パスワード: ]>guXS~6

■10月6日(金)はCo-Located Eventを開催!
次の日も同会場で引き続きイベント満載です!各Sub WG のリアル会合で更にディープな議論に参加しよう!
9:00 – 12:00 Automation & SBOM Sub WG
13:30 – 15:00 OSPO Sub WG
15:30 – 17:00 FAQ Sub WG

OpenChain Newsletter #58

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​ Newsletter – Issue 58 – September 2023

The OpenChain Newsletter provides a monthly summary of our work. It contains an overview of what we are doing to build trust around license compliance and security in the open source supply chain. We accept suggestions and ideas. Feel free to mail us at any time.

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