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Webinar: LF Management & Best Practices Portal

This webinar by Hilary Carter, SVP Research at The Linux Foundation, unpacked LF Management & Best Practices, the digital home where communities of “best practice” converge. Here, you’ll be able to find the standards, reference material, courses, live events and webinars, research, project communities, and the automation tools to help you start your project or organization’s open source journey, and to keep it on track!

More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This OpenChain Webinar was broadcast on 2024-04-09.