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Webinar: Understanding GitHub Copilot

By ai, News, Webinar

This OpenChain Webinar welcomes Jiyon Yun and T. Greg Doucette of the GitHub team to discuss GitHub Copilot from the perspective of engagement by users, especially business users considering cost/benefit and risk containment from a legal perspective.

More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #61, released on 2024-03-14.

Outcomes of the Special OpenChain AI Workshop – 2024-03-06

By Featured, News

On the 6th of March the OpenChain AI Study Group held a special AI workshop instead of the regular AI call. It provided an opportunity to deep dive into the topic with experts from Qualcomm and Arm, and a chance to ask questions or share ideas. The idea was to fold in the ideas shared thus far and seek a single coherent narrative.

Please note, at the request of attendees, this meeting was held under Chatham House Rule, and therefore a recording is not being shared.

The Formal Agenda:

– Opening comments (Dave and Matthew)
– AI Model supply chain issues (Brian)
— Use cases in context of regulatory backdrop
— Open vs. Proprietary
— War stories
— Roundtable
– Dataset supply chain issues (Jeff)
— Use cases and pragmatic practices
— Open vs. Proprietary
— War stories
— Roundtable
– Possible Solutions – how can OpenChain best provide value to the ecosystem (All)
– Closing (Dave and Matthew)

The Outcomes

It was decided that following meetings would:
– Work through key use cases
— Start with LLM – text to text as a first hypothetical
– Work through the Huggingface Model Card example
— Initial focus will be on what can one should supply when delivering and what one wants to see when receiving

Track This Work

You can follow and contribute to the work of the OpenChain AI Study Group through its dedicated mailing list. This is open to everyone regardless of industry vertical or speciality. You will find it here:

Attend Future Meetings

You can find and get the dial-in details for all future AI Study Group meetings from our participate page here:

KOSYAS is the first Official Third-Party Certifier in South Korea

By Featured, News

Korea System Assurance, Inc (KOSYAS), a company that provides security testing and evaluation, network and server security, cloud security, IoT security, control system security and blockchain security, has become the first official third-party certifier for OpenChain in South Korea.

KOSYAS support third-party certification around both OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230:2020 (the international standard for open source license compliance) and OpenChain ISO/IEC 18974:2023 (the international standard for open source security assurance).

“The availability of local language support and certification for the OpenChain standards is an important step in building maturity in markets,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “We are delighted to welcome KOSYAS to our partner program in the context, and we look forward to building increased support for Korean companies with them in the years ahead.”

Learn More About Their Services:

Webinar: SCANOSS Export Control

By automation, community, legal, News, Webinar

This time we had a special Webinar from Julian at SCANOSS to show us how they have collected and built solutions around managing open source and export control.

More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #61, released on 2024-03-14.

OpenChain Deep Dive – Supply Chain Best Practices in China using ISO 5230 and ISO 18974

By Featured, News

We are holding a special workshop in Shinagawa on March 18th for Japanese companies using open source. This workshop will focus on case studies about open source business process management in China. The focus will be on ISO 5230 and ISO 18974 from upstream project to commercial ecosystem.

Date and Time:
March 18th 09:00 ~ 17:00 JST

Conference Room 3D
TKP Garden City Premium Shinagawa Takanawa-guchi
Google Map Link:
(Full address details + route guide with photos below)

Why You Should Attend

We will use an operating system ecosystem called openEuler as the basis for our case studies. openEuler is an emerging operating system ecosystem in China with 36.8% of the server operating system market, 17,000+ developers and 500+ projects. It is hosted by the OpenAtom Foundation, and a healthy ecosystem of companies creating products exists around it. OpenChain ISO 5230 and OpenChain ISO 18974 are at the center of how business processes are managed in openEuler.

Our Agenda

Join Our Event

Learn More About openEuler

Event Venue Address:

TKP Garden City Premium Shinagawa Takanawa-guchi
Keikyu Daiichi Building, 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo

東京都港区高輪4-10-18 京急第一ビル 

Google Map Link:

Route Guide From JR Shinagawa Station

You can also view this guide on the official website.

Event Area Floor Plan (Workshop Room: 3D, 3rd Floor)

Room Layout for 3D

Special OpenChain AI Workshop – 2024-03-06

By Featured, News

This week we have a special AI workshop instead of the regular AI call. It will provide an opportunity to deep dive into the topic with experts from Qualcomm and Arm, and a chance to ask questions or share ideas. This event will fold in all the ideas shared thus far and seek a single coherent narrative. 

The workshop takes place at:

14:00-17:00 UTC, 2024-03-06

You can join here:

One tap mobile:

US: +12532158782,,93266805668#

Meeting ID: 93266805668
Meeting Passcode: 581201


Opening comments (Dave and Matthew)

AI Model supply chain issues (Brian)

  • Use cases in context of regulatory backdrop
  • Open vs. Proprietary
  • War stories
  • Roundtable

Dataset supply chain issues (Jeff)

  • Use cases and pragmatic practices
  • Open vs. Proprietary
  • War stories
  • Roundtable

Possible Solutions – how can OpenChain best provide value to the ecosystem (All)

Closing (Dave and Matthew)

OpenChain AI Study Group Call (Europe and Asia) 2024-02-29 – Full Recording

By News

Track This Work

You can follow and contribute to the work of the OpenChain AI Study Group through its dedicated mailing list. This is open to everyone regardless of industry vertical or speciality. You will find it here:

Attend Future Meetings

You can find and get the dial-in details for all future AI Study Group meetings from our participate page here: