Toyota announces adoption of ISO/IEC 5230 in the IP Planning Group, a process led by Masato Endo and Miyu Tanaka. ISO/IEC 5230 is the International Standard for open source compliance.
ISO/IEC 5230 is maintained by the OpenChain Project as OpenChain 2.1 and edited for ISO via the Joint Development Foundation OpenChain Working Group. ISO/IEC 5230 is supported by Arm, BMW CarIT, Bosch, Cisco, Comcast, Facebook, Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Microsoft, MOXA, OPPO, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Siemens, Sony, Toshiba, Toyota, Uber and Western Digital as governing board members, and a wide community of companies across three continents.
“Toyota Motor Corporation has participated in and actively promoted the OpenChain Project since 2017,” says Yosuke Ida, General Manager of Toyota’s Intellectual Property Division. “We are proud to be the first company to announce the adoption of ISO/IEC 5230. The departments covered by the scope of this certification are the “Connected Advanced Development Division (Including the Automotive Grade Linux team)”, the “R-Frontier Division (including Partner Robot Technology)” and the “S-Frontier Division (including Innovative Infrastructure Technology).” These departments have a long history of approaching OSS management based on ISO requirements and the new developments in the OpenChain Project fit perfectly into this approach. Our company hopes that the OpenChain International Standard via ISO will be used as an opportunity to expand the acquisition of certification for companies in the supply chain of the automobile industry.”
“ISO/IEC 5230 is an International Standard focused on building trust in the supply chain. It does this by defining the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program and ensuring companies of all sizes and in all markets can adopt the standard,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “It has been developed with contributions from over 100 participants of the project and has been used in various market sectors since 2016. Our recent graduation from de-facto to formal International Standard provides a strong platform to scale from hundreds to thousands of companies, and to accelerate our mission to ensure minimal friction in the use and distribution of open source technology. Toyota’s adoption is a significant milestone in the growth and maturity of our standard, and underlines our strong commitment to pursuing excellence throughout the automotive supply chain.”
To learn more about ISO/IEC 5230 visit:
To adopt ISO/IEC 5230 via self-certification visit:
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