This advent calendar has been created by our Japanese Work Group as part of their community outreach. We hope you enjoy their recap of compliance topics to end the year.

Hello. If this is your first visit, nice to meet you. Thank you very much for your attention to this article.
Welcome to OpenChain Japan WG Advent Calendar 2020!!
We, OpenChain Japan WG, is a Japanese community whose activities involve Open Source Software(OSS) compliance.
Last year we wrote various topics about our activities as a self introduction of OpenChain Japan WG. This year, as OpenChain Advent Calendar 2020, we will deliver to you a series of 25 articles focusing on the OpenChain Specification cerebrating that OpenChain Specification was officially registered as an International Organization for Standardization(ISO).
And we will write every article both in Japanese and English and deliver them to everyone in the world. (It is also useful for your English/Japanese learning!)
We would be very happy if you became a little interested in our activities and the importance of OSS compliance from reading our articles. I hope you like it!!
About me
I am Ayumi Watanabe of OpenChain Japan WG. I’m an OSS management consultant based in Tokyo, Japan. My favorite OSS license is Beerware License.
I’m a member of Planning SWG, Promotion SWG and Tooling SWG in OpenChain Japan WG.
About OpenChain
Openchain is one of the official projects of the Linux Foundation. Its vision is “a supply chain where open source is delivered with trusted and consistent compliance information”. OpenChain maintains the International Standard for open source compliance. This allows companies of all sizes and in all sectors to adopt the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program. This is an open standard and all parties are welcomed to engage with our community, to share their knowledge, and to contribute to the future of our standard.
The core of OpenChain:
1. Specification, which defines a set of requirements every quality compliance program must satisfy
2. Conformance, which allows organizations to display and promote their adherence to these requirements
3. Curriculum, which provides the educational foundation for OSS processes and solutions, whilst meeting a key requirement of the specification
About Japan WG
In OpenChain Japan WG, we share our issues and solutions with each other, and discuss issues about OSS compliance in Japanese. We have variety of sub work groups in OpenChain Japan WG, e.g. Planning, Tooling, Promotion, FAQ, Leaflet, Education, License Info SWG. Every SWG are all very active.
OpenChain Japan WG is one of the regional Work Groups of OpenChain. It started in 2017. Now over 200people from over 70 companies are our members. We always welcome your joining!
The Next Topic is…
In the next article, I will write about OpenChain Specification which is the main theme of this year. I believe it was 2020’s biggest news of OSS compliance that OpenChain Specification was officially registered as an ISO standard.
See you tomorrow!!
OpenChain Japan WGのアドベントカレンダー2020へようこそ!
私たちOpenChain Japan WGは、OSS(Open Source Software)のコンプライアンスに関する活動をしている日本のコミュニティです。
今年は、昨年に引き続き2年目のアドベントカレンダーです。昨年は、OpenChain Japan WGの自己紹介として、私たちの活動について色々書かせていただきましたが、今年はOpenChain仕様がISO国際標準に認定された記念として、OpenChain仕様にフォーカスした25日間をお届けしたいと思います。
OpenChain Japan WGの渡邊歩です。OSS活用に関するコンサルをしています。好きなライセンスは、Beerware Licenseです。
OpenChain Japan WGでは、Planning SWGとPromotion SWG、Tooling SWGで活動しています。
OpenChainは、Linux Foundationの公式プロジェクトのひとつで、「OSSが信頼性と一貫性のあるコンプライアンス情報とともに提供される、ソフトウェアサプライチェーンを実現すること」をビジョンとし、組織がOSSのライセンスコンプライアンスプログラムを構築するための指針を整備し提供しているプロジェクトです。
1. 仕様(Specification) : 組織内に確立するべきコンプライアンスプログラムの要件を定義したもの
2. 適合(Conformance) : 組織が仕様を満たしていることを認証する仕組み
3. 教育(Curriculum) : 仕様の要求事項のひとつである教育プログラムに活用できる資料
Japan WGについて
OpenChain Japan WGは、日本で活動するOpenChainのワーキンググループで、OSSコンプライアンスに関する課題や解決策について日本語で議論や情報交換を行っています。Japan WGの中には更にPlannning, Tooling, Promotion, FAQ, リーフレット, 教育資料, ライセンス情報など、たくさんのサブワークグループがあり、それぞれが活発に活動しています。
OpenChain Japan WGの活動はOpenChain初のリージョナルSWGとして2017年にスタートし、今では70社、200名以上の人々が参加しています。私たちの活動に興味のある方はいつでも、参加お待ちしています!