On September 25th, Shane Coughlan from the OpenChain Project joined the OpenUK Future Leaders to talk about ‘OpenChain – A New Standard in Open Source.’
On this episode we had Seth Newberry from Joint Development Foundation join the call and explain how the new Community Specification on GitHub can help projects prepare for building sustainable standards. We also took a moment to go through the ever-increasing OpenChain Reference library. There is a ton of material there that we are currently improving and making easier to discover ahead of our formal ISO publication in a couple of weeks.
Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars
This is OpenChain Webinar #12, released on 2020-09-17.
On September 15th OpenChains General Manager Shane Coughlan joined the Automotive Connect 2020 event hosted by Bird&Bird. Shane Coughlan spoke about “Free and Open Software: Challenges for the Automotive Supply Chain” and explained how the industry standard for open source license compliance reduces errors, resource cost and time to market.
Review the Slides
In our biggest webinar to date, Jari Koivisto talked about Open Source Issues Remediation, Gary O’Neall talked about Community Bridge and SPDX Online Tools and David Wheeler talked about CII Best Practices (the project equivalent of the OpenChain standard). Check out the full recording and the slides below.
Check Out All The Slides
Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars
This is OpenChain Webinar #11, released on 2020-09-11.
The OpenChain Project is delighted to announce the availability of a new leaflet designed to help Sales and Procurement Departments understand and include the OpenChain standard for open source compliance in their workflow. As with all OpenChain reference material this is provided under CC-0 licensing, effectively public domain, and suggestions or improvements are always welcome.
Get these guides and many more documents in the OpenChain Reference Library.
InterneuronCIC was an early adopter of the OpenChain industry standard for open source compliance, and have had an OpenChain 1.2 conformant program for a considerable time. Today they have completed conformance to OpenChain 2.0, the latest version of our standard, and a specification that is functionally identical to our forthcoming ISO International Standard. A big congratulations to all the team.
最終日の本日は、OpenChainのメインテーマである「OSSライセンスコンプライアンス」の啓発がなぜ大切であるのかというお話と、本アドベントカレンダーを企画している「Promotion SWG」の活動をご紹介します。
OpenChain Promotion SWG
このようなOSSの課題に対して、その解決もOSS流にコミュニティで行おうと結成されたのがPromotion SWGです。
「日本及びアジアにおいてOSSライセンスコンプライアンスがしっかりできている状態にする」いうOpenChain Japan WGの目的を達成するためには、関係者がOSSライセンスコンプライアンスの重要性を認識することが重要です。
- エンジニア:OSSライセンスコンプライアンスをソフトウエアエンジニアにとっての必須リテラシーの一つとしていきたいと考えています。
- リーガル・知財:エンジニアをサポートする立場の方々にOSS特有の世界観を理解して頂くと共に、OSSライセンスコンプライアンスをサポート可能な弁護士・弁理士・コンサルタントを増やしてく必要もあります。
- 経営層:現場がいかに重要性を理解してもリソーセスが割かれないと動けないので、経営レベルへの打ち込みも重要です。
- 政府・学術界・メディア:「OSSライセンスコンプライアンスは重要だ!」という空気感を醸成してくために重要なパートナーと考えています。
SWGに参加したいという場合はまずはOpenChain JPWGのMLに参加頂き、MTGの案内があったときに参加表明することで参加することが可能です。
- The OpenChain Interviewsに渡邊さんのインタビューが掲載されました
JPWGからはこれまでも高西さんや大内さんに登場頂いてます。 - OpenChain ProjectにおけるOSSのTransparency向上への取組を経産省の会議で紹介しました
そこで、経産省の「サイバー・フィジカル・セキュリティ確保に向けたソフトウェア管理手法等検討タスクフォース」という会議体において遠藤がライセンス側の対応状況についてご説明させて頂きました。 - Open Compliance Summit 2019にてJPWGのメンバーが発表&表彰されました
OSSライセンスコンプライアンスについての世界最大の国際会議の一つであるOpen Compliance SummitがThe Linux Foundation主催で毎年12月に日本で行われています。
A message from our friends in the German Work Team.
We have finished a first draft of the German translation of the policy template. We invite you to have a look and provide feedback.
The translation is based on the official English document for the 2.0 specification from the reference material repository. Get this guide and many more documents in the OpenChain Reference Library.
You can find the current draft of the translation in this Google document:
Feel free to comment there.
We have kept the original English text for now at the side because that makes it easier to compare and check the translation. In the final version this will be removed and only the German text will be kept.
As a spreadsheet it’s not ideal for detailed review of specific parts of the text. If it’s more convenient for you feel free to copy it into another form of document and comment there.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved you can also contact me or Stefan Thanheiser <stefan.thanheiser@fiduciagad.de> directly.
The plan for the next steps is to get the document a round of reviews, incorporate the resulting feedback, and then create a pull request to the reference material repository with the final version.
Cornelius Schumacher
Open Source StewardChief Technology Office (T.IVO)
DB Systel GmbH
The OpenChain UK Work Group is holding its second meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 30 September from 14:00 – 16:00 BST.
This meeting will build on the success of the inaugural meeting in July which attracted a stellar roster of speakers, including: Shane Coughlan (Linux Foundation), Kate Stewart (Linux Foundation), Hiroyuki Fukuchi (Sony), Andrew Katz (Orcro), Sami Atabani (Arm),Thomas Steenbergen (HERE Technologies) and Mirko Boehm, as well as a diverse range of delegates from around the world.
Bookings for the September meeting are now open and can be made via the Eventbrite booking form.
The meeting is free of charge, and is open to anyone (whether in the UK or otherwise) interested in finding out more about why companies as diverse as Arm, Google, Scania, Hitachi Data Systems, Toyota, Facebook, Uber and Microsoft are embracing OpenChain, as well as smaller companies like B2M Solutions and NewRoCo.
Andrew Katz, Joint Managing Partner of Moorcrofts, CEO of Orcro Limited and Chair of the OpenChain UK Work Group, said:
“We’re delighted to see such a high calibre of organisations and individuals involved in the group at the early stages. As we move forward, we hope to see smaller companies join, who are looking to start their OpenChain journey, so we can continue to broaden the reach of the group and OpenChain adoption in the UK.”
To join the OpenChain UK Work Group visit: https://lists.openchainproject.org/g/uk-wg and subscribe to the list to receive future details about the bi-monthly meetings and to sync and share information across all aspects of open source compliance. More information about the group can be found on its draft terms of reference document: https://lists.openchainproject.org/g/uk-wg/files.
This meeting of the OpenChain Korea Work group will take place on the day our ISO voting process wraps up! Expect exciting updates.
- Schedule: 2020-09-22 (Thu) 2:00~4:00 pm
- How to join on PC
- Access https://uberconference.com/openchainproject from a PC
- After entering Your Name, click “Join audio-only” to enter the room
- After checking the microphone and speaker settings on the Confirm settings screen> Join conference
- How to join on Phone 1.Call 02-6022-2388 from a mobile phone 2.Enter 855 889 3011#