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Shane Coughlan

Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, establishing the leading professional network of Open Source legal experts and aligning stakeholders to launch both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to Open Source. Shane has extensive knowledge of Open Source governance, internal process development, supply chain management and community building. His experience includes engagement with the enterprise, embedded, mobile and automotive industries.

OpenChain Legal Work Group – 2023-06-29 – Overview and Recording

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The OpenChain Legal Work Group is exploring model provisions for OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 or ISO/IEC DIS 18974 in procurement contracts and similar material. We decided to proceed via mirroring the format of the pre-existing public domain Risk Grid:

Our Current Draft Language Is Hosted On GitHub

Here Is The Recording Of Our Latest Meeting

Check Out The Slides

The Next Meeting Will Take Place In July

Currently scheduled for July 27th at 09:00 PDT / 16:00 UTC / 18:00 CEST / 00:00 CST / 01:00 KST + JST

Keep Up-To-Date

Join our mailing list to track our work and contribute to the development of the model provisions:


The goal is to ensure people can understand options. We will not be prescriptive and these model provisions will remain part of the OpenChain reference material. They will not be included in the standards themselves.

OpenChain Mini-Summit @ OSS NA – Recordings

By News

Introduction: The OpenChain License Compliance and Security Assurance Standards in 2023

Special Keynote: FOSSLight – Next Generation Open Source Automation for Compliance and Security

Keynote Moving Down The Pyramid – “State of the Tooling” in Open Source Automation


OpenChain Newsletter #55

By Monthly Newsletter, News

​ Newsletter – Issue 55 – June 2023

The OpenChain Newsletter provides a monthly summary of our work. It contains an overview of what we are doing to build trust around license compliance and security in the open source supply chain. We accept suggestions and ideas. Feel free to mail us at any time.

This edition of the newsletter was created and shared by Qiuyue Qi of OpenSCA, and we provide our thanks for the contribution!

Main News

Deloitte joined the OpenChain Project as an official partner.

xFusion has announced conformance with ISO/IEC 5230.


The OpenChain Project has joined an O-RAN next Generation Research Group meeting:

Find the recordings of our mini-summit at the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit North America here:


Check infos about OpenChain Conformance Badge and the new Online Conformance Checklists for All OpenChain Standards.


There are three webinars this month: two regular ones talked respectively about trusted network initiative (#52) and OpenSCA (#53), and a special one focused on automotive.


Our multiple work groups had regular meetings:

Check our monthly meeting below:

Check Out All Our Previous Newsletters:

OpenChain Automotive Work Group Meeting – Half Year Assessment – Future Market Strategy – 2023-06-14 – Recording

By News

The OpenChain Automotive Work Group held its half-year assessment meeting to discuss future market strategy on the 14th of June 2023. We had excellent presentations from OSS Consultants, Volvo Cars and Hyundai Motor Corporation. A big thank you Endo San from Toyota, our chair, for organizing this event.

Our Agenda

  1. Complexities of Managing Open Source in Automotive – Russ Eling,
    Founder at OSS Consultants
  2. Lessons learnt in Industry – Christopher Wood, Fellow at Lockheed Martin
  3. Volvo Cars’ OSPO – Mary Wang, Director of Open Source Ecosystem at
    Volvo Cars
  4. Hyundai Motor Group Open Source Compliance – SongHa Back at Hyundai
    Motors IP team 2

The Full Recording

OpenChain Monthly North America / Asia Meeting – 2023-06-20

By News

Check out the recording of our latest monthly meeting for North America / Asia. As always, we are working on the next generation of the license compliance and security assurance standards.

What We Did On The Call

We focused on the Security Specification:

Our outcome was (a) alignment with Licensing Spec 3.0 but (b) several suggestions for improvement.

Webinar: OpenSCA

By automation, community, licensing, News, security, Webinar

This webinar highlights a new open source tool for open source compliance and security that originates in China. This tool was created by a company called XMIRROR. The open source CLI offers SPDX support, so is immediate interest to tooling communities around the world, particularly from the perspective of integration with open source tooling frontend solutions.

Check Out The Recording

Check Out The Slides

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #53, released on 2023-06-29.

OpenChain @ O-RAN next Generation Research Group (nGRG) – 2023-06-27

By News

OpenChain was invited to talk about our process management standards and relevance to SBOM at an O-RAN next Generation Research Group (nGRG) meeting. Check out our speech below by Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager.


O-RAN ALLIANCE is a world-wide community of mobile operators, vendors, and research & academic institutions with the mission to re-shape Radio Access Networks to be more intelligent, open, virtualized and fully interoperable.

About nGRG

The next Generation Research Group (nGRG) is a research task force founded by the O-RAN ALLIANCE in June 2022.

Formed by members from major mobile operators, vendors from telecom, IT and DT industries, and well-known research institutes and universities around the world, nGRG takes the mission to leverage industry and academic 6G research efforts and determine how O-RAN will evolve to support 6G and beyond, considering regional research efforts, ITU-R, and 3GPP development.

nGRG defines O-RAN ALLIANCE’s 6G research agenda and key priorities, with the focuses to achieve O-RAN sustainability from 4G/5G to 6G and beyond and unify the 6G technology path to avoid incompatibility with other SDOs.

Through nGRG’s white papers, it will recommend appropriate actions to the development of next generation O-RAN.

Coming Soon: OpenChain Japan Work Group – Meeting 28 – Hybrid 3 – 2023-07-11

By News

The next OpenChain Japan Work Group meeting will take place on the 11th of July from 13:30 at the Ridgelinez TRANSFORMATION BASE CAMP (X Design Studio). As always, everyone is welcome. Also as always, most of the meeting will be in Japanese. However, non-speakers can attend for the keynote and can ask questions, or just network.

Attend in Person:
Ridgelinez TRANSFORMATION BASE CAMP (X Design Studio)

Dial-in via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 99975267803 / パスワード: ]>guXS~6

OpenChain Japan 第28回全体会合(第3回ハイブリッド会合)開催の正式お知らせです。


2023年7月11日(火) 13:30-17:00 (13:00開場)

 1. オープニング
 2. OpenChain Japanのご紹介
 3. OSSコミュニティ活動とOpenSSFの紹介 (日立製作所 中村さん) 
 4. 教育サブグループの新教育教材について (教育サブグループ)
 5. 富士通でのOSS LICENSEスキルの人材育成 (富士通 大内さん)
 6. ブレイクアウトセッション(テーマごとに少人数のチームで情報共有や議論をおこないます)
   ・SPDX 3.0を知ろう
   ・OSS Summit NAに行ってきました報告
 7. ブレイクアウトセッションの共有(各チームから)
 8. クロージング

Ridgelinez TRANSFORMATION BASE CAMP(X Design Studio)
東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目6番1号 丸の内パークビルディング22F


下記のzoom URLからご参加ください。
Meeting ID: 99975267803 / パスワード: ]>guXS~6

xFusion is the 100th organization to announce an OpenChain Conformant Program through our website

By Featured, News

xFusion, a global leader in digital infrastructure and services, is the 100th organization to announce an OpenChain Conformant Program through our website. Certified by CAICT, an official OpenChain Partner based in China, the development underlines a strong commitment to excellence in process management.

“The OpenChain Project is delighted to welcome xFusion to our community of conformance,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “It cannot be overstated how important companies like xFusion are to the future of the open source supply chain, and their collaboration with CAICT alongside their future work in this market, provides significant encouragement for the larger community.”

About xFusion

xFusion Digital Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “xFusion”) is dedicated to providing global leading digital infrastructure and services. xFusion continuously creates value for customers and partners and accelerates the digital transformation of the industry. xFusion has 11 research institutes, 7 regional offices, and 5 major supply centers totally around the world (some still under preparation). Currently, xFusion is serving customers in 130 countries and regions, including 211 Fortune Global 500 companies and covering telecoms, finance, Internet, governments, and other industries.

Learn more: