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Shane Coughlan

Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, establishing the leading professional network of Open Source legal experts and aligning stakeholders to launch both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to Open Source. Shane has extensive knowledge of Open Source governance, internal process development, supply chain management and community building. His experience includes engagement with the enterprise, embedded, mobile and automotive industries.

OpenChain at ZVEI

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Software Compliance Academy highlighted the OpenChain Project, curriculum, training and specification at an event hosted on the 22nd March by ZVEI. This event marks the first major workshop featuring OpenChain in Germany.

The ZVEI is one of the most important manufacturers’ associations in Germany. It is the regulatory and economic policy authority of the electrical and electronics industry and actively contribute to the further development of the economic and socio-political framework in Germany and Europe.

The Software Compliance Academy offers individually tailored in-house training programs as well as external seminars covering most recent software compliance trends and topics. It is one of the first OpenChain Pilot Partner Program participants and personnel from the organization have been involved with the OpenChain Project since its inception.


OpenChain Newsletter #10

By Monthly Newsletter

Newsletter – Issue 10 – February 2018


The first two months of 2018 have been focused on building outreach in the China, Japan and Korea (CJK) region. We have established friendships and reached agreements to help spread the OpenChain Curriculum and broader OpenChain material to a wider audience. As part of this our localization efforts have continued at a rapid pace.

But that’s not all! OpenChain Project volunteers have been extremely busy prepare the version 1.2 update for the OpenChain Specification, we have seen background work to improve our free online conformance service, and our onboarding work team has entered a revision period for key documentation.

OpenChain Specification

The latest draft of the OpenChain Specification 1.2 can be accessed here:

This draft will be finalized at the OpenChain Face-to-Face at the Open Source Leadership Summit in March (see below) and is expected to be released in April. While it contains no new requirements and represents a minor change to the specification, this revision offers substantially improved clarity and ease of translation.

OpenChain Onboarding

The Onboarding team is looking for final feedback or edits for two documents as we prepare to share material at the Open Source Leadership Summit:

OpenChain Conformance Web App

The OpenChain Conformance Web App has obtained various improvements to version control and – more recently – taken the first steps towards internationalization. Our goal is to release the web app in multiple languages from Q2 onwards.

OpenChain @ Events

The OpenChain Project has been fleshing out our 2018 event calendar with a series of announcements:

  1. The OpenChain Japan Work Group announced details for its second meeting on the 22nd of February.
  2. In partnership with the Open Culture Foundation (Taiwan) the OpenChain Project announced details of a Curriculum Workshop in Taipei on the 5th of March.
  3. The schedule of the next OpenChain Face-to-Face meeting has been announced for the 5th of March at the Open Source Leadership Summit in Sonoma.
  4. In partnership with Moorcrofts in the UK the OpenChain Project announced details for an OpenChain session at a BCS event in London on the 22nd of March.
  5. We have also been in the fortunate position of being able to outline further details of expected future activities in Taiwan and Mainland China. While some details are subject to change the key take-away is that we are seeing healthy progress towards deeper engagement in a key market area.

Keep track of all our events here:

OpenChain Accessibility

To support our recent expansion of workshops in the Far East we have had a strong of excellent announcements regarding localization resources.

  1. The OpenChain Curriculum, a slide deck that covers everything from “what is a license” through to open source developer guides, has been released in Traditional Chinese. This excellent development owes much thanks to Lucien Lin and Florence Ko of the Open Culture Foundation (Taiwan).
  2. An additional output of this process has be a published draft for the Simplified Chinese translation of the same material. This draft provides a foundation for our volunteers to work towards a complete release in the near future.

As always this material is available in editable formats on our GitHub in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

Coming next

In the next month you can expect announcements regarding the Specification version 1.2, new onboarding material, and feedback regarding our Curriculum. Moving into Q2 you can expect increased internationalization, further engagement in North America and Europe, and case studies or reference material to support adoption.

License and Trademarks

Copyright 2018 The Linux Foundation. This newsletter is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0). Please feel free to share it onwards! OpenChain is a trademark of The Linux Foundation. It may be used according to The Linux Foundation Trademark Policy and the OpenChain Terms of Use. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Latest OpenChain Curriculum Draft in Simplified Chinese

By News

Latest OpenChain Curriculum Draft in Simplified Chinese

San Francisco, United States, February 19, 2017 — The OpenChain Project is delighted to announce the draft OpenChain Curriculum in Simplified Chinese for Specification 1.1. This proposal draft is intended to help support our Simplified Chinese translation team. While it is not finalized yet, the document is based on the completed translation in Traditional Chinese, and it is intended reduce the amount of work required to reach a formal release.

You can obtain the draft files in PDF, PPTX or ODP formats on the relevant OpenChain GitHub repository. The OpenChain translations page has also been updated with these documents in PDF format.

As with all OpenChain Curriculum material, these documents are made available under the Creative Commons Zero (CC-0) license, and anyone can use, study, share and improve the work as they see fit.

Great thanks are due to Lucien Lin and Florence Ko for helping to build bridges in the CJK region that are so important to our long-term success. Our strategic goal is to engage open source users in the CJK area (China, Japan, Korea) and localization plays a central role in this process.


The OpenChain Project identifies key recommended processes for effective open source management. The project builds trust in open source by making open source license compliance simpler and more consistent.

The OpenChain Specification defines a core set of requirements every quality compliance program must satisfy. The OpenChain Curriculum provides the educational foundation for open source processes and solutions, whilst meeting a key requirement of the OpenChain Specification. OpenChain Conformance allows organizations to display their adherence to these requirements.

The result is that open source license compliance becomes more predictable, understandable and efficient for participants of the software supply chain.

Organizations of all sizes are invited to review the OpenChain Project, to complete our free Online Self-Certification Questionnaire, and to join our community of trust.

More Resources:

Get this guide and many more documents in the OpenChain Reference Library:

Latest OpenChain Curriculum in Traditional Chinese

By News

Latest OpenChain Curriculum in Traditional Chinese

San Francisco, United States, February 19, 2017 — The OpenChain Project is delighted to announce the OpenChain Curriculum in Traditional Chinese for Specification 1.1. This marks the release of our latest educational material for the Taiwanese and Hong Kong areas. You can obtain the final files in PDF, PPTX or ODP formats on the relevant OpenChain GitHub repository. The OpenChain translations page has also been updated with these documents in PDF format.

As with all OpenChain Curriculum material, these documents are made available under the Creative Commons Zero (CC-0) license, and anyone can use, study, share and improve the work as they see fit.

This marks a milestone for our objective to build bridges with more stakeholders in the Far East. Our strategic goal is to engage open source users in the CJK area (China, Japan, Korea). The OpenChain Project wishes to extend its deep thanks to Lucien Lin and Florence Ko for preparing and contributing this material.


The OpenChain Project identifies key recommended processes for effective open source management. The project builds trust in open source by making open source license compliance simpler and more consistent.

The OpenChain Specification defines a core set of requirements every quality compliance program must satisfy. The OpenChain Curriculum provides the educational foundation for open source processes and solutions, whilst meeting a key requirement of the OpenChain Specification. OpenChain Conformance allows organizations to display their adherence to these requirements.

The result is that open source license compliance becomes more predictable, understandable and efficient for participants of the software supply chain.

Organizations of all sizes are invited to review the OpenChain Project, to complete our free Online Self-Certification Questionnaire, and to join our community of trust.

More Resources:

Get this guide and many more documents in the OpenChain Reference Library:

Save the Date: OpenChain Curriculum Workshop in Taipei

By News

Save the Date: OpenChain Curriculum Workshop in Taipei

Yokohama, Japan, February 17, 2017 — The OpenChain Project in partnership with the Open Culture Foundation (Taiwan) will hold a workshop between 13:30 and 16:00 on the afternoon of March 5th. This event will be held in Mandarin and is intended to provide an introduction to the OpenChain Curriculum (training material). All parties are welcome to attend.

“OpenChain is a truly international project,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain Project Director. “We are delighted to expand our activities into Taiwan and to build a great relationship with local community organizations as well as local businesses. This is a significant step towards bringing stakeholders in CJK closer together.”


13:30 – 14:00 | 報到
14:00 – 15:00 | OpenChain計畫與訓練課程介紹
15:00 – 16:00 | 問題與討論

◎ 林誠夏/開放文化基金會 法制顧問

林誠夏(Lucien C.H. Lin),知識背景為科技法律,05-16 年間任職於中央研究院從事公眾授權模式的研究,近年的研究成果包括:擔任自由開源軟體法律參考書台灣專章的編撰作者,並協助各界參與者,釐清 Open Source、Open Data,以及 CC 授權等智慧財產權及公眾授權應用問題。目前已轉任民間事務所,及於開放文化基金會擔任法制顧問,撥付工作之餘的心力營建國內開源授權知識的分享網絡 (Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan)。



More Information:

Save the Date: OpenChain Japan Work Group Announces Second Meeting Details

By News

Save the Date: OpenChain Japan Work Group Announces Second Meeting Details

Yokohama, Japan, February 15, 2017 — OpenChain Japan Work Group will hold its second meeting on the 22nd of February between 10am-12 noon Japan time at the Hitachi offices in Shinagawa. Details below in Japanese thanks to Imada San of Hitachi:

OpenChain Japan WG 第二回の会合のご案内を再送させていただきます。
場所:日立品川地区(JR品川イーストビル) 20階 Hall A



The OpenChain Project identifies key recommended processes for effective open source management. The project builds trust in open source by making open source license compliance simpler and more consistent.

The OpenChain Specification defines a core set of requirements every quality compliance program must satisfy. The OpenChain Curriculum provides the educational foundation for open source processes and solutions, whilst meeting a key requirement of the OpenChain Specification. OpenChain Conformance allows organizations to display their adherence to these requirements.

The result is that open source license compliance becomes more predictable, understandable and efficient for participants of the software supply chain.

Organizations of all sizes are invited to review the OpenChain Project, to complete our free Online Self-Certification Questionnaire, and to join our community of trust.




Save the Date: OpenChain Project at the BCS Compliance Workshop in London

By News

Save the Date: OpenChain Project at the BCS Compliance Workshop in London

San Francisco, United States, February 13, 2017 — The OpenChain Project will be featured at an open source compliance workshop in London on the 22nd of March. This event is hosted by the BCS and the Open Source Hardware User Group. The speakers include Michael Jaeger, Alexios Zavras, Mirko Boehm and Armijn Hemel. The topics covered will include OpenChain, SW360, Quartermaster, SPDX and OSADL license compliance. All are welcome and there is no charge.

The OpenChain Project identifies key recommended processes for effective open source management. The project builds trust in open source by making open source license compliance simpler and more consistent.

The OpenChain Specification defines a core set of requirements every quality compliance program must satisfy. The OpenChain Curriculum provides the educational foundation for open source processes and solutions, whilst meeting a key requirement of the OpenChain Specification. OpenChain Conformance allows organizations to display their adherence to these requirements.

The result is that open source license compliance becomes more predictable, understandable and efficient for participants of the software supply chain.

Organizations of all sizes are invited to review the OpenChain Project, to complete our free Online Self-Certification Questionnaire, and to join our community of trust.

More Resources:



Save the Date: OpenChain Project Face-to-Face at the Leadership Summit

By News

Save the Date: OpenChain Project Face-to-Face at the Leadership Summit

Yokohama, Japan, February 15, 2017 — The next OpenChain face-to-face will take place during the Open Source Leadership Summit in California in early March. This is our schedule for the Kenwood 1 room on Monday March 5th:

  • OpenChain 8-10am Board Meeting
  •  OpenChain 10:15-10:45 Conformance Work Team discussion
  • OpenChain 10:45-11:15 Curriculum Work Team discussion
  • OpenChain  11:15-11:45 Onboarding Work Team discussion
  • OpenChain  11:45-12:30 Specification Work Team discussion

The first session is for OpenChain Platinum Members only. Everyone is welcome to participate in the Work Team discussions from 10:15am. If you are interested in attending and you want more information, please reach out to Shane Coughlan, Project Director, at coughlan [at]

More Resources:



Make a Note: OpenChain Project in Taiwan and China – Plans for Q1 / Q2

By News

Make a Note: OpenChain Project in Taiwan and China – Plans for Q1 / Q2

Yokohama, Japan, February 10, 2017 — In collaboration with local partners the OpenChain Project is exploring the possibility of two workshops in Taipei and one in Beijing (the latter adjacent to LinuxCon China). The first of these initiatives will begin with our friends at Open Culture Foundation Taiwan hosting an OpenChain Curriculum Workshop after the Chinese New Year.

We are looking for people interested in supporting this activity. Your ideas, comments and suggestions are most welcome. In particular it would be useful if participants in the OpenChain community could contact us to suggest potential attendees in Taiwan/China. Our goal in the first phase of this outreach is to build bridges and from there long-term relationships.

If you are interested in attending and you want more information, please reach out to Shane Coughlan, Project Director, at coughlan [at]

More Resources:

OpenChain Newsletter #9

By Monthly Newsletter

Issue 9 – January 2018


A happy new year to all our readers! As we kick off 2018 the OpenChain Project is announcing a wide range of talks, meetings and keynotes. We are also putting in place material and relationships to spearhead increased engagement with Japanese and Chinese-speaking stakeholders. We look forward to working with our entire community throughout 2018 to drive adoption of the OpenChain Specification, our reference training material, and to raise the bar for open source compliance knowledge in general.

OpenChain @ Events

The OpenChain Project has been fleshing out our 2018 event calendar with a series of announcements:

  1. The OpenChain Project will be featured at the World Intellectual Property Forum on the 18th January in Dubai.
  2. The OpenChain Japan Work Group has announced its second meeting on the 22nd February at Hitachi Shinagawa.
  3. The OpenChain Project will host a Face-to-Face on the 5th March at the Open Source Leadership Summit, Sonoma Valley.
  4. The OpenChain Project will be featured in a keynote on the 19th to 23rd March at Linaro Connect in Hong Kong.
  5. The OpenChain Project will be featured in a talk at an event hosted by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, on the 22nd of March in London, England.
  6. The OpenChain Japan Work Group has announced its second meeting on the 19th April at Panasonic Osaka.
  7. The OpenChain Project will be featured in a keynote on June 13th to 14th at the FOSS Backstage conference in Berlin, Germany.

Keep track of all our events here:

OpenChain Accessibility

The OpenChain Project has begin to plan outreach activities in Taiwan as an outcome of a meeting held with representatives of the Open Culture Foundation (Taipei) on the 27th of December. Further information about the meeting can be found here:
The key outcome is that OCF and OpenChain plan to hold an OpenChain Curriculum workshop during Q1 or early Q2 2018. Watch this space for further details.

The OpenChain Project is also delighted to announce that our reference flowcharts are now available in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
You can obtain the reference flowcharts in Simplified Chinese here:
You can obtain the reference flowcharts in Traditional Chinese here:

These build on our previous releases of the OpenChain Specification in Simplified and Traditional Chinese. You can obtain these and all our other translations at this URL:

OpenChain Outreach

The OpenChain Project has been featured in an interview with Shane Coughlan, Project Director, on the OWASP 24/7 Podcast. The long-form interview covers the background of the project, our current status and our goals for 2018. It provides a simple, clear way to explain OpenChain to potential stakeholders. You can access it here:

Coming next

In the next month you can expect the OpenChain Project to fix the dates for our increased Taiwanese outreach, you can expect to see the first results from our activity to expand the community of conformance, and you will see the emergence of reference material to help frame the types of process that might be useful for inbound and outbound software. As always we welcome feedback and contributions from all parties. You can contact Shane Coughlan, the Project Director, at any time.

License and Trademarks

Copyright 2018 The Linux Foundation. This newsletter is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0). Please feel free to share it onwards! OpenChain is a trademark of The Linux Foundation. It may be used according to The Linux Foundation Trademark Policy and the OpenChain Terms of Use. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.