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Regional Traction: 2,100 Eyes on Japanese FAQ

By 2021-11-02News

The OpenChain Project often highlights global news. However, it is important to remember that the majority of activity is truly distributed around the world, especially in our local China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Germany, UK and US work groups. Today we are taking a moment to shine a spotlight on a specific example in Japan.

The OpenChain Japan Work Group operates seven sub-groups, one of which is focused on providing answers to frequently asked questions, chaired by Ouchi San from Fujitsu. The FAQ document produced by the group has been downloaded over 2,100 times so far, demonstrating the extent of information dissemination in a specific geography.

If you have a Japanese office (or you represent a Japanese company), please be aware that the FAQ sub-group meets on the 8th of November at 15:00 JST. All welcome.

・日時:11月8日(月) 15:00〜17:30
 Zoom のURLはFAQ-SGのSLACKに掲載予定です。
 (Japan WGのSLACKとは異なります)
