The OpenChain Project has launched a series of bi-weekly free webinars that provide access to people and knowledge that we would otherwise obtain at events. We hold our fifth meeting on Monday the 1st of June at 9am Pacific with two guest speakers.
This time we are exploring Software Heritage, an initiative whose goal is to collect, preserve, and share software code, and continuing our discussion of containers from the perspective of scalable compliance.

Roberto Di Cosmo, Director at Software Heritage, will explain why this initiative collects and preserves software in source code form with the understanding that software embodies key technical and scientific knowledge that humanity cannot afford to risk losing. This presentation will help provide insight into how such initiatives can link into activities like compliance automation in open source compliance, an area of immediate interest to the OpenChain community.

Scott Peterson, Senior Commercial Counsel at Red Hat, will talk about how we can make compliance scalable in a container world. This talk will build on other recent presentations with a particular focus on efficiency and portability, with a “registry-native” approach to source code availability. Scott will explain how this does not require updating container registries to include source code specific features, but instead can exploit features that are already contained in current registries.
Each talk will run for 10~15 minutes and there will be plenty of time for questions, comments and suggestions. As with all OpenChain Project activities, our goal is to facilitate knowledge-sharing between peers.
Everyone is invited to join this free webinar via zoom. It will also be recorded and made available later on our website.
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