1. News
Oliver informed all that Haksung created an overview about sw360 in Korean language.
Further Oliver created a new branch “containers” in our Github repo and provided there the material shown in the last meetings. The idea is to collect all material about containers and license compliance in the directory “Container-License-Compliance”, once having good content available Oliver wants to reach out to Shane and ask him whether is would be possible to generate an official OpenChain “container compliance leaflet”.
Alexios shared that the development of SPDX-3.0 has started. SPDX-3.0 will support different profiles which will implement different use cases. Now there is a good opportunity to introduce changes to the SPDX standard, which break backward compatibility, since the version 3.0 will not be backward compatible with the previous versions. He also said if there are requirements towards the specification from our side, we are warmly welcome to contribute them. The new version will contain examples how it shall be used.
The Github repos of SPDX specification can be found here: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec
2. License compliant containers:
Oliver presented the content of the branch and the directory https://github.com/zvr/Sharing-creates-value/tree/containers/Container-License-Compliance . There was the comment that we shall also provide a “Q&A” on which tools shall be used in order to achieve the best practices. Further is was suggested to provide also a description of the desired results and provide concrete examples.
3. New features in sw360
Michael presented the new features implemented in sw360. There will be changelog functionality in order to verify who changed what. Sw360 is able to “read” SPDX Boms and to generate the corresponding data. He asked for support in further testing this feature because there are many different scenarios, which have to be covered. The integration of sw360 with FOSSology via REST API is improved and FOSSology scans can be triggered automatically.
There was the question whether sw360 is able to generate the “OSS disclosure document” – yes it is possible to generate the OSS disclosure document with sw360. There are two options available to do that – either via REST API or via GUI. The same applies to the generation of the source code bundle.
4. Next steps:
Next meeting will be at 8th of April the invitation was sent to the mailing list
Proposed Agenda Item: continue on best practices for container compliance
Review The Slides Presented