The OpenChain Japan Work Group has run an active licensing sub-work group throughout 2019. Their activity has been focused on practical applications of a streamlined Software Bill of Materials using core attributes of SPDX. Now that the work is advanced, collaboration with the SDPX Project is fully established, and we are heading into production it is time to highlight the individuals behind this initiative.
Great Thanks are Due To
- Toru TAIMA
- Yoshiyuki ITO
- Yoshiko OUCHI
- Norio KOBOTA
- Hiroyuki FUKUCHI
Taima-san from Pioneer is the senior contributor to this effort who defined the initial fields based on a practical business use case.
Nomura-san from Hitachi, Ito-san from Renesas and Ouchi-san from Fujitsu proposed improvements to the SPDX Lite description and format.
Kobota-san from Sony took lead on confirming full compatibility between SPDX and SPDX Lite.
And of course Fukuchi-san from Sony proposed the original concept, formed the sub-work group, and wrote the proposal of SPDX Lite.
In addition to these contributors all the members of “license info” sub-group contributed to the work and final go-to-market activity.
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