The OpenChain Project, in conjunction with the Taiwanese Legal Network and the Open Culture Foundation, held our second open source compliance workshop in Taipei on the 27th of September.

This event provided an opportunity to build on previous relationships to further our mission to ensure everyone is aware of and understands how to engage with our industry standard for open source compliance. This event was kindly sponsored by MOXA, a company that has been a positive contributor to our project throughout 2019.
As usual we are making the slides from this event available. We kicked off with a general overview of the OpenChain Project by Shane Coughlan, General Manager.
The event included an overview of why the OpenChain Japan Work Group formed and how it works.
Ueda San from Sony provided an excellent presentation on how Sony manages open source and compliance.
Kato San from Panasonic explained how his company contextualizes open source and compliance activities.
The event was capped by the excellent presentation by SZ Lin of MOXA explaining their perspective and activities in Taiwan and globally.
We ended the event with consensus that it is time to begin exploring the launch of a formal OpenChain Taiwan Work Group. Watch this space!