Satoru Ueda from Sony hosted a talk entitled ‘OSS Collaborative Leadership and the Software Supply Chain Problem’ that unpacked practical aspects of supply chain challenges and related solutions.
“Contemporary software is, in many cases, developed by the collaborative work of many developers in a large and complex supply chain network. Some of developers in the supply chain are well-acquainted with using Open Source Software, and handle it appropriately. However we must be reminded that there are still many parties in the product ecosystem that lack familiarity or experience with OSS. Product vendors cannot wait for all members to become mature in their OSS usage. Sometimes, even the OSS leaderships in different companies are required to help each other, to achieve satisfactory results.
In the OpenChain Project Japan Work Group, OSS leaders from different companies are working together to help each other resolve supply-chain issues. In this session we would like to discuss the way to help those early stage level companies. Some actual efforts and outcomes will be introduced.”
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