The OpenChain Project will be featured at (and a sponsor of) COSCUP in Taipei on the 11th and 12th of August 2018. Our project leader Shane Coughlan along with Japanese community volunteers and Taiwanese community collaborators will participate in the event’s new legal track to share practical compliance solutions and case studies.
You can be part of this too. Related legal talks are most welcome in the track. Just visit the following link to begin your submission:
From our local partner Florence Ko:
我今年在COSCUP申請了一個授權遵循(FOSS Compliance,大陸稱為「授權合規」)的社群軌,目前已經敲定了兩位日本Sony公司的人,會來台灣分享他們在Sony內部推動授權遵循的親身經驗,以及日本業界目前的實務狀況。若是有人有興趣分享相關的議題,非常歡迎投稿到FOSS Compliance社群軌,演講語言中文或英文皆可。投稿頁面如下: