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Webinar: SBOMs in a Virtual Supply Chain

By automation, licensing, News, standards, Webinar

The OpenChain Project ran a series of webinars about using open source tools for open source compliance ran between September and December 2021. They have been re-published in the main webinar series to improve discoverability. This webinar explores how SPDX ISO/IEC 5962 works as a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) in the supply chain through existing open source tooling for open source compliance.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #66, released on 2024-02-01. It was originally published as “Automation Case Study #5 – SBOMs in a Virtual Supply Chain” on 2021-11-24.

Webinar: How The Graphical Interface Can Help With Using TERN

By automation, licensing, News, Webinar

The OpenChain Project ran a series of webinars about using open source tools for open source compliance ran between September and December 2021. They have been re-published in the main webinar series to improve discoverability. This episode explores how TERN (a container scanner) works both with the graphical tool and when used on its own.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #65, released on 2024-02-01. It was originally published as “”Automation Case Study #4 – How The Graphical Interface Can Help With Using TERN” on 2021-10-29.

Webinar: How The Graphical Interface Can Help With Using Open Source Review Toolkit (ORT)

By automation, licensing, News, Webinar

The OpenChain Project ran a series of webinars about using open source tools for open source compliance ran between September and December 2021. They have been re-published in the main webinar series to improve discoverability. This episode explores how ORT (the Open Source Review Toolkit) works both with the graphical tool and when used on its own.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #64, released on 2024-02-01. It was originally published as “Automation Case Study #3 – How The Graphical Interface Can Help With Using Open Source Review Toolkit (ORT)” on 2021-10-15.

Webinar: A New Open Source Graphical Interface For Tooling

By automation, licensing, News, Webinar

The OpenChain Project ran a series of webinars about using open source tools for open source compliance ran between September and December 2021. They have been re-published in the main webinar series to improve discoverability. This episode explores the engineering behind the new graphical tool from Facebook/TNG that makes open source tooling easier to use.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #63, released on 2024-02-01. It was originally published as “”Automation Case Study #2 – A New Open Source Graphical Interface For Tooling” on 2021-09-29.

Webinar: Contextualizing Tooling and Analysis

By automation, licensing, News, Webinar

The OpenChain Project ran a series of webinars about using open source tools for open source compliance ran between September and December 2021. They have been re-published in the main webinar series to improve discoverability. This episode explores a new graphical tool from Facebook/TNG to make open source tooling easier to use. Our demo shows ORT calling ScanCode in a clean, simple way. We also discuss how the graphical interface was designed.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #62, released on 2024-02-01. It was originally published as “Automation Case Study #1 – Contextualizing Tooling and Analysis” on 2021-09-22.

Webinar: FOSS License Management through aliens4friends in Eclipse Oniro

By automation, licensing, News, Webinar

Welcome to another OpenChain Webinar. This time our speakers are Alberto Pianon and Carlo Piana from ARRAY. They are presenting the Open Source Management concept of Eclipse Oniro and explaining how deeper insights on the identification of the FOSS components and their respective license metadata can be uncovered via the audit policies for Oniro. This webinar is part of a series by the OpenChain Automation Workgroup to provide insight into good practices for community-based IP audits. These good practices will be used to align on a community-wide approach for metadata curation as base for sharing FOSS License Management Data.

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More About Our Webinars:

This event is part of the overarching OpenChain Project Webinar Series. Our series highlights knowledge from throughout the global OpenChain eco-system. Participants are discussing approaches, processes and activities from their experience, providing a free service to increase shared knowledge in the supply chain. Our goal, as always, is to increase trust and therefore efficiency. No registration or costs involved. This is user companies producing great informative content for their peers.

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #58, released on 2024-01-31.

Webinar: OpenSCA

By automation, community, licensing, News, security, Webinar

This webinar highlights a new open source tool for open source compliance and security that originates in China. This tool was created by a company called XMIRROR. The open source CLI offers SPDX support, so is immediate interest to tooling communities around the world, particularly from the perspective of integration with open source tooling frontend solutions.

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Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #53, released on 2023-06-29.

Webinar: An Update On ClearlyDefined

By automation, community, licensing, News, Webinar

This webinar features an update on ClearlyDefined by Nick Vidal at the Open Source Initiative (OSI). A lot has happened since we last covered this project for open source metadata, including the move to a new home at OSI.

About The Project

ClearlyDefined and its parent organization, the Open Source Initiative, are on a mission to help FOSS projects thrive by being clearly defined. Lack of clarity around licenses and security vulnerabilities reduces engagement – that means fewer users, fewer contributors and a smaller community.

As such, the goals of the project are to:

  • Raise awareness about this challenge within FOSS project teams
  • Automatically harvest data from projects
  • Make it easy for anyone to contribute missing information
  • Crowd-source the curation of these contributions
  • Feed curated contributions back to the original projects

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Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #51, released on 2023-04-26.

Webinar: An Overview of SPDX 3.0

By automation, community, licensing, News, security, standards, Webinar

This webinar features Alexios Zavras, Chief Open Source Compliance Officer at Intel Corporation and a long-term friend and collaborator around the OpenChain Project. This time the topic was SPDX 3.0, a significant generational update to SPDX, a sister standard to OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 and OpenChain ISO/IEC DIS 18974.

SPDX is a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) specification, so it operates one layer down from the fundamental processes outlined by OpenChain’s standards, and it provides an excellent way to meet our requirements for an SBOM to be used by companies. The second generation of SPDX has been an ISO/IEC standard for two years as ISO/IEC 5962. The third generation shows interesting promise as a way to manage license compliance, security and more.

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Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #50, released on 2023-04-31.

Webinar: OSSelot: The Open Source Curation Database

By automation, Featured, licensing, News, Webinar

This OpenChain Webinar features OSSelot, an open source curation database recently launched by OSADL in Germany. This project addresses one of the most requested features around open source automation for open source compliance: an open, public database supporting SBOM (via SPDX ISO/IEC 5962) for common software packages. This could be a game-changer.

Check Out The Project Website:

Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars

This is OpenChain Webinar #47, released on 2023-01-25.