We will host the first public meeting of the OpenChain Telco Work Group on the 6th of May at 07:00 Pacific / 14:00 UTC / 22:00 CST. All interested parties from telecommunications and related fields are invited to attend. We will be discussing how ISO 5230 fits into this sphere, how it interrelated with other standards, and what information or specific support is necessary for the Telco sector. The meeting will be chaired by Jimmy Ahlberg from Ericsson.
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The OpenChain China Work Group will host an event in collaboration with OpenAtom on the 23rd of April. We will have one case study from Taiwan and one case study from Japan, as well as local market discussion. Everyone is welcome to join. Details are below.
会议时间:2021/04/23 10:00-18:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 – 北京
会议 ID:890 179 092
Keitaro has announced conformance with the International Standard for open source license compliance, OpenChain ISO 5230. Keitaro is an open-source solutions provider, committed to the values of openness.
“Keitaro is an important addition to the OpenChain conformance ecosystem,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “It is noteworthy that their self-certification marks our formal expansion into the arena of managed services. This is both a natural and important progression, not least given the dependence of so many entities on such providers.”
“We are extremely proud to announce that Keitaro adopted the ISO 5230.” said Marko Bocevski, owner of Keitaro. “Since our start, we have been delivering open-source solutions and are committed to contributing to the open-source community. As a result, achieving and maintaining intellectual property management is essential for our company and the supply chain. The adoption of OpenChain ISO 5230 at Keitaro will significantly enhance our potential to provide more reliable and consistent solutions to our customers.”
About Keitaro
Keitaro is an open source oriented company that develops solutions empowering governments, civil society organizations and enterprises around the world and spanning multiple industries.
Keitaro’s core services include: open-source consultancy, cloud services, CKAN services, and audits & licensing. Since its founding in 2012, Keitaro’s team has been committed to helping customers achieve their goals, enabling their success with innovative solutions that leverage leading-edge technologies.
The Japanese Ministry of Trade (METI) has released a series of case studies on open source. OpenChain has significant coverage in this material, underlying our growing momentum as the Industry Standard for open source license compliance:
(Japanese language)
This webinar unpacked the complexity and solutions for addressing licensing across a large code-base like the Linux Kernel, and it explained how ISO 5230 has been applied to the security domain by some parties in the supply chain.
Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars
This is OpenChain Webinar #22, released on 2021-04-21.
This webinar explored how the OpenChain Project has fostered an inclusive community, and what that means for the development of local and global work groups.
Check Out The Rest Of Our Webinars
This is OpenChain Webinar #21, released on 2021-04-14.
“An in-depth knowledge of the evolving standards landscape is a first step for automakers and their suppliers; there are many new standards that automotive suppliers and OEMs need to keep in mind.”
We have created a single, simple supplier education pack for open source license compliance. Get it from our website and enjoy a “one email” solution to aligning your supply chain around ISO 5230, the International Standard for compliance: