NEC Corporation, a Fortune 500 company and a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies, is the latest company to announce an OpenChain ISO 5230 Conformant program. This builds on their social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world, and underlines a long-standing commitment to excellence in governance.
“NEC is proud to support the international standard for open source license compliance,” says Kimio Suganuma, General Manager of OSS Promotion Center. “It builds on our multi-decade support of open source in business environments. We look forward to continued collaboration with the global governance community, and helping to ensure supply chains are efficient and trustworthy.”
“NEC has been involved in the OpenChain Project for a considerable period,” says Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager. “Like many companies, NEC manages complex internal and external supply chains. OpenChain ISO 5230 is ideally suited to improving effectiveness and efficiency across such supply chains, and it provides additional value in reducing friction in procurement, security and M&A. We look forward to collaborating with NEC in the months and years to come.”
About NEC Corporation
NEC Corporation has established itself as a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies while promoting the brand statement of “Orchestrating a brighter world.” NEC enables businesses and communities to adapt to rapid changes taking place in both society and the market as it provides for the social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential. For more information, visit NEC at https://www.nec.com.
About OpenChain
The OpenChain Project maintains the International Standard for open source license compliance. This allows companies of all sizes and in all sectors to adopt the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program. This is an open standard and all parties are welcome to engage with our community, to share their knowledge, and to contribute to the future of our standard.
About The Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation is the organization of choice for the world’s top developers and companies to build ecosystems that accelerate open technology development and industry adoption. Together with the worldwide open source community, it is solving the hardest technology problems by creating the largest shared technology investment in history. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation today provides tools, training and events to scale any open source project, which together deliver an economic impact not achievable by any one company. More information can be found at www.linuxfoundation.org.
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