The OpenChain Japan Work Group has been planning a series of milestones for 2018 and 2019 via three new subgroups. These milestones include the creation of extensive guidance material regarding OpenChain adoption, inter-company communication, and open source policies. As with all OpenChain Curriculum material these documents are made available under CC-0 licensing for use, remixing and sharing for any purpose.
To learn more about this specific initiative see the slides below in English and Japanese. You can also be part of this activity via the OpenChain Japan mailing list or by attending any of the meetings hosted by our Japanese community members.
Curious about the titles, hosts and participants of each subgroup?
サブグループ活動 / Subgroups
- Planning subgroup
- Team Lead: Hiroyuki Fukuchi
- Members: Teppei Asaba, Mutsumi Abe, Nobuo Imada, Satoru Ueda, Masato Endo, Yoshiko Ohuchi,Satoru Koizumi, Norio Kobota, Shinsuke Kato, Hiroshi Nozue, Yuji Nomura, Atsuhiro Yamaoka, Ayumi Watanabe
- FAQ subgroup
- Team Lead: Yoshiko Ohuchi (Fujitsu)
- Members: Shuichi Awaji, Teruaki Itoh, Satoru Ueda, Masato Endo, Kazuyoshi Katagiri, Tomoki Kawamura, Manami Koshino, Norio Kobota, Naomichi Shima, Toru Taima, Shinichi Tanigawa, Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Yoshihiro Yasuda, Atsuhiro Yamaoka, Masato Yoshii
- Leaflet for Sales subgroup
- Team Lead: Satoru Ueda
- Members: Teruaki Itoh, Kiyoshi Owada, Shisuke Kato
- Planning サブグループ
- チームリード:福地弘行
- メンバー:浅羽鉄平、阿部睦、今田律夫、上田理、遠藤雅人、大内佳子、小泉悟、小保田規生、加藤慎介、野末浩志、野村祐治、山岡厚仁、渡邊歩
- FAQ サブグループ
- チームリード:大内佳子(富士通)
- メンバー:淡路修一、伊藤輝昭、上田理、遠藤雅人、片桐和宣、川村知生、越野愛美、小保田規生、島直道、當麻徹、谷川真一、福地弘行、安田佳宏、山岡厚仁、吉井雅人
- 営業向けリーフレット サブグループ
- チームリード:上田理
- メンバー:伊藤輝昭、大和田清志、加藤慎介
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