Founded in 2017, Interneuron is a different kind of health+care IT organisation. What makes Interneuron different is their purpose: unlike typical Limited Companies (Ltd), Interneuron is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that exists primarily for the benefit of those in need of health and social care services and not for the profit of any shareholders. The decision to open source all of their developments was taken during the formation of the company and is a key part of their Articles of Association.
From the outset, one of the biggest challenges for Interneuron was convincing organizations to adopt their solutions and build trust in the Open Source Software supply chain. The lack of understanding of Open Source software solutions and the incorrect assumption that closed source solutions are more secure is driven by both technical and procurement stakeholders. The challenge for Interneuron was how to transparently display the benefits and prove that our solutions are controlled and managed and therefore the risk is minimised.
Interneuron turned to Source Code Control for guidance — a company that specializes in creating the right processes for organizations looking to manage open source throughout the software supply chain. Source Code Control recommended Interneuron become OpenChain Conformant through the Linux Foundation. As an OpenChain Conformant company, Interneuron demonstrates to customers and prospects:
Interneuron had limited experience and knowledge about how to manage open source software and demonstrate to prospective customers, prospects and partners they their Quality Assurance include management of open source licensing obligations and tracking for security vulnerabilities in third party open source components, libraries and dependencies their developers leverage to build solutions.
Interneuron turned to solution provider Source Code Control Limited for advice and guidance. They then embarked on a journey leading to OpenChain conformance.
This journey started with education. Every employee attending Source Code Control’s “Get it Right With Open Source Software” course which is based on the OpenChain Curriculum. This provided a consistent knowledge across the organisation of the importance of managing their open source software supply chain and how this will be achieved.

Now Interneuron are able to transparently demonstrate to their customers they are controlling their software supply chain and are complying with the obligations of third party open source software licenses in line with the overall licensing model of the software and services they are delivering.