David Marr (Chair)
Dave Marr is Vice President, Legal Counsel at Qualcomm Technologies, where he currently leads the
open source practice and policy team, supporting product development teams, patent licensing, and
standards development. He has been practicing in the open source legal field since 1998, delivering
strategic advice to organizations and running open source legal operations. Dave writes and speaks
regularly on FOSS-related issues, their interaction with standard-setting, technology transfer best
practices, licensing, and other subjects at the intersection of law and high technology.
Prior to Qualcomm Technologies, Dave previously worked at various technology companies including
Sun Microsystems, and while there he was the lead attorney responsible for the release of key
software products under open source licenses including Java, Solaris, and OpenSPARC.
Dave is the Chair of the Governing Board for OpenChain, a Board Member of the Linux Foundation,
and a Board Alternate at Linaro.
Prior to Qualcomm Technologies, Dave worked at Sun Microsystems, at various times supporting Java, OpenSPARC, and Solaris, as well as at Juniper Networks.